View Full Version : lower back pain, tingling like symptoms?

05-05-2008, 05:25 PM
Is it possible too? Since 2 days I'm getting some lower back pain which depends on sitting position and cause some tingling in my legs and hands plus a little dizziness and weakness. Can anxiety do that too??? :o
can mimic spine problems? I also wake up all sweat in the morning sometimes.

Punk Rock Steve
05-06-2008, 11:58 AM
Hi! I've had both real and unreal back problems over the years...by that, I mean that I DO see a chiropractor for for some chronic neck and spine issues due to me deciding to hug a telephone pole with my car in 1995, HOWEVER, there are plenty of times that I get neck and back pain, as well as tingling and numbness all over from just the anxiety. It comes with the territory. My chiropractor uses ultrasound on my neck and shoulders and when she sets the level (usually on max) she's always amazed that I'm not bouncing off the table from the intensity. It's sort of like being electrocuted, except that my back is not reacting to it :)
The reason is that the muscles in my shoulder area are already spasming SO badly from anxiety/stress that it takes alot to calm them down. As for waking up sweating, now I'm not a doctor or anything, but that could be from waking up in a panic mode. I at times have woke up in the morning with an anxiety/panic attack...especially if I wake up late for work :)
Keep the faith and keep talking about your stuff on here...

05-06-2008, 01:56 PM
thanks Steve,
great tips, so it is really possible....I'd never think it was.
I can ultrasound my back to relax my muscles? interesting.
Glad I'm not alone then and not completely crazy yet :)