View Full Version : Whats happening?

04-17-2014, 04:30 PM
Everything has been good anxiety wise. I'm doing much better. Driving alone. Being alone. Going back to work next week..

All of a sudden just now, I feel SO SAD. I'm crying. I don't know why.. I wanna take some xanax to numb the feeling.. I won't because I don't abuse my meds but I just feel like I want to.

I want out of my own head.

I thought the Paxil was supposed to help me?? Is this a speed bump??

What's going on with me?? :(

04-17-2014, 04:33 PM
I feel the exact same way right now. Anxiety wise - doing very good.

I get this really sad feeling at night for some reason. No idea what this is...

04-17-2014, 04:35 PM
I feel the exact same way right now. Anxiety wise - doing very good. I get this really sad feeling at night for some reason. No idea what this is...

Same here!

But today it was just like BAM, overwhelming sadness out of nowhere :/

04-17-2014, 05:19 PM
I feel the exact same way right now. Anxiety wise - doing very good. I get this really sad feeling at night for some reason. No idea what this is...

I used to get really sad at night when I was your age too

I hated not having beer money

04-17-2014, 05:25 PM
I used to get really sad at night when I was your age too

I hated not having beer money

Hahahh, that is one of the reasons why I'm sad right now. No beer money and no girlz! :(

04-17-2014, 05:41 PM
It sounds like the Paxil hasn't addressed your depression issues yet, which seem to go along with anxiety. Give it time and keep in touch with your doctor.

04-17-2014, 05:47 PM
Hahahh, that is one of the reasons why I'm sad right now. No beer money and no girlz! :(

Elias, there isn't such thing as a bad looking girl in Sweden

Go steal some money for beer and the girls will come

04-17-2014, 06:25 PM
Elias, there isn't such thing as a bad looking girl in Sweden

Go steal some money for beer and the girls will come

Hahaha, thats what I'm gonna do. Money-> Beer-> Girlz!

04-17-2014, 06:28 PM
It sounds like the Paxil hasn't addressed your depression issues yet, which seem to go along with anxiety. Give it time and keep in touch with your doctor.

Okay, will do. Thank you!!

04-18-2014, 12:19 AM
Okay, will do. Thank you!!

Paxil takes 4-6 weeks to work right. Hang in there !

04-18-2014, 09:24 AM
You're ok you lil blue haired warrior.

Tis but a speed bump as your chemicals realign themselves. Anxiety gobbles serotonin, when the anxiety is reduced, serotonin is often believed to be in shortish supply too, hence the depressions you and Elias feel.

A totally normal part of recovery.

04-18-2014, 10:40 AM
You're ok you lil blue haired warrior.

Tis but a speed bump as your chemicals realign themselves. Anxiety gobbles serotonin, when the anxiety is reduced, serotonin is often believed to be in shortish supply too, hence the depressions you and Elias feel.

A totally normal part of recovery.

Thanks bruuh! :)

However, today I f*ckin' feel awesome (Y)

04-18-2014, 11:53 AM
You're ok you lil blue haired warrior. Tis but a speed bump as your chemicals realign themselves. Anxiety gobbles serotonin, when the anxiety is reduced, serotonin is often believed to be in shortish supply too, hence the depressions you and Elias feel. A totally normal part of recovery.

Lol blue haired warrior.. That made me laugh..

Thanks!! :)

04-18-2014, 11:54 AM
Paxil takes 4-6 weeks to work right. Hang in there !

I've been on a little over 1 month & 2 weeks..

But I just bumped up to 40mgs last Wednesday.

Thank you!!

04-18-2014, 01:27 PM
I've been on a little over 1 month & 2 weeks..

But I just bumped up to 40mgs last Wednesday.

Thank you!!

As person who was on paxil for 13 years it is def. a speed bump. Since you have incresed your dosage give it some time. I know thats tough and one of the worst things about these types of drugs (taking so long to work). I started out at a low dose and had to wait 2 months before they would increase my dosage and then wait again until i/we could tell if it was working yet. YOU CAN Do IT! Happy Easter

04-19-2014, 09:06 AM
I feel the exact same way right now. Anxiety wise - doing very good.

I get this really sad feeling at night for some reason. No idea what this is...

I feel similar some times at night.I want to die or just never wake up again.

I think it has to do with my back pain.When i am in big pain i wish i never live one more day like this.Also very possible that afternoon coffee potentiates this.I suppose it has to do with the crash after coffe wears out of my system.Also any kind of bad interaction with other people through the day can lead me to similar thoughts at bed time.

04-19-2014, 10:54 AM
I think everyone has the feeling of sadness from time to time, when it is constant we need to react and do something. I am on meds but with the sadness I feel meditating everyday helps me the most. It does not have to be long even 5 minutes will be beneficial

04-19-2014, 01:08 PM
I think everyone has the feeling of sadness from time to time, when it is constant we need to react and do something. I am on meds but with the sadness I feel meditating everyday helps me the most. It does not have to be long even 5 minutes will be beneficial

Thank you Dahlia :) I'm gonna try meditation!