View Full Version : I am new

04-17-2014, 01:31 PM
\ A little about my self , I am 24 years old, I been going through a lot in life. I use to be this happy loving girl, who always had her head up high, till I met this guy. Everything from the start was great. We dated for 10 months. Then I found out that he cheated on me so many times. And he cheated on me on my 20th birthday. And dumped me on my moms birthday at 5 in the morning over the phone. And months past and years past , On July 12th was my birthday two days after my birthday on July 14 2013 he texted me didn't know it was him so I called to see who it was and it was him. I started to shake and I was crying he told me he be at my place in 20 mins , I said NO, he came anyways I got in the car to tell him to leave he didn't listen went to the park 3 blocks from my place.

kept on touching me I pushed him off of me told him to take me home he said ok. He started the car then drove stopped the car took my bra off went on top of me pulled down my pants n forced him self on me. I wanted to die. he took me home called me mean names, I didn't tell my mom n dad n sister for a very long long long time. and the day after I cut my wrist I didn't want to live anymore.

So I told my mom a month later she took me to my doctor and my doctor told me to see help. I did and the doctor told me I have 3 of the worse anxiety's there is and a depression. My doctor and my other doctor gives me pills that a) did not work that made me a zombie , couldn't get out of bed. b) didn't want to wake up. C) messed up with my eyes. So I stopped the meds. I read on a site that if you get tested for vitamin B and see what your low on it can help with anxiety and depression and other things.