View Full Version : Working on a tool to help with anxiety

04-17-2014, 11:35 AM
Hi everyone:

I have suffered from anxiety on and off over the past few years. It's really hard to figure out what you need to do to break the cycle. I have found reasonable ways to manage now, including changing my thought patterns and taking magnesium (the sticky post here is really useful!).

The problem is that it takes a lot of searching to find the right information, and a lot of trial and error to figure out what works. There has to be an easier way. We all have similar conditions, and we are all trying similar treatments. It should be possible to use data from everyone to figure out what will work and what won't for you (find people similar to you in terms of their height/weight/age, etc -- then you know that what works for them is more likely to work for you).

I am trying to make a service that does it. Please check it out at realize.pe (I can't post links yet). Signing up would really help (the more people that sign up, the better the recommendations we can give will be). Thoughts/general feedback would also be really useful.

Thanks, guys!