View Full Version : Skipping classes because of anxiety

04-16-2014, 10:02 PM
Hi guys,

I'm in my second year of university and I study Law. I have anxiety (which I'm on medication for) and I thought it was improving, but last week I was really anxious during most of my classes and I felt horrible. So, as a result... this week I have skipped most of my tutorials because I don't want to face anybody. I don't know why I'm so fearful of tutorials, but I suppose I just hate the intimate atmosphere and how the teacher has to come over to you and asks you questions that I usually have no idea how to answer. I have had really bad experiences in tutorials due to my anxiety. I just don't feel good enough for anyone or anything. I look at all the other girls around me and they look SO perfect and are all so smart, and then I feel like absolute crap about myself and feel like I look awful. I get so worried about being anxious in class that I have just started avoiding them. I am also very behind on my work because I keep procrastinating. I'm in a pretty bad place at the moment.

I just can't stop skipping these classes. I don't want to make this a habit - how can I stop skipping class? What the f*ck is wrong with me?

04-17-2014, 03:28 AM
I've had the same problem. I think it's best to inform your professor of your anxiety so they will understand and may let you get a couple minutes outside of the classroom to calm down. Just an option.
As far as feeling "less perfect" than the other girls in your tutorial... STOP! I know it's easier said than done, but you will drive yourself mad comparing yourself to others. No one is perfect. Not me. Not you. Not the girls in your class. They may have their own struggles and see you as a competent, beautiful student. Put a smile on. Be confident in yourself. Nothing else matters.
Hope you find some peace!