View Full Version : suicidal thoughts

05-04-2008, 09:33 AM
does anyone else get so depressed over this disorder that they just want to end it all. it really got to me last night... i get so paranoid and scared that i might end up hurting myself or someone else. is that a normal symptom of anxiety?

05-04-2008, 09:42 AM
hey,what u are feeling is just anxiety i also have had these thoughts mainly the one where i think im gonna hurt sumone else with out knowing it... and i know how scarey it can be,ive been thinking im loosing my mind for the past 5 years and NOTHING has happend to me(apart from anxiety/panic attacks of course) just try to think possitive and ull be fine ...

05-04-2008, 03:29 PM
I used to feel like killing myself, in fact I sort of almost went through with it once (drowning myself). But I had a mental block, it takes time to battle through life until you can feel better again.

05-05-2008, 12:37 AM
oh yeah. all the time.
it sucks.
I would never wish anxiety/panic disorder on my worst enemy.
just think positive. it helped me. I think it could help you too.
just remember there are sooo many others out there, just like you, who experience this too. you're not alone!!
take care and think positive. it sounds lame but tell yourself you're going to be okay.
your mind will play tricks on you, but your body won't. so trick your mind before it tricks you. just think positive!!!

05-05-2008, 11:46 AM
Ive had three anxiety attacks while going to work 3 times in a row. last wed,fri i was off on thursdsay. and again today. I called my wife to help talk me through it so it wouldnt go full on panick but i just feel like im a burden and ive been dealin with it SO long that i dont see it going away. I really dont wanna live like this FOREVER and ive been plagued with a lil voice in my head (not real) telling me im JUST CRAZY. I feel like my two son's are goin to be ashamed of having me as a dad when im like this and it drives me to those thoughts. I am commited to being there for them though so i dont let them take hold or alteast i try to not let them.