View Full Version : Constant Dizziness /:

04-16-2014, 09:08 PM
Hello everyone I'm back and unfortunately having dizziness /:
Ive been undergoing lots of stress lately (both parents passed away) But everyday Ive been having dizziness. I don't feel like I'm about to faint I feel out of balance and always get headaches around my temple area.
Ive had echo,ekgs,stress tests and holter monitors done all of which show no abnormality. The only thing I fear of is "POTS" Which i hope i don't have. Im fit, workout 5 days a week and have never passed out.
Any idea of what this might be?

04-16-2014, 09:37 PM
Hello everyone I'm back and unfortunately having dizziness /: Ive been undergoing lots of stress lately (both parents passed away) But everyday Ive been having dizziness. I don't feel like I'm about to faint I feel out of balance and always get headaches around my temple area. Ive had echo,ekgs,stress tests and holter monitors done all of which show no abnormality. The only thing I fear of is "POTS" Which i hope i don't have. Im fit, workout 5 days a week and have never passed out. Any idea of what this might be?. Hello I'm sorry for your loss.. Dizziness is pretty common with anxiety .. I've experienced it and many others on here have as well. If your tests results all come back normal.. And this is just anxiety or stress related have you considered therapy of any kind? Do you take medication to manage your stress? Anxiety can manifest itself so differently for so many .. There is a list of quite a bit of anxiety symptoms on the stickies part of the forum

04-16-2014, 09:42 PM
. Hello I'm sorry for your loss.. Dizziness is pretty common with anxiety .. I've experienced it and many others on here have as well. If your tests results all come back normal.. And this is just anxiety or stress related have you considered therapy of any kind? Do you take medication to manage your stress? Anxiety can manifest itself so differently for so many .. There is a list of quite a bit of anxiety symptoms on the stickies part of the forum

Ive been considering a therapist but just haven't had the time/: and i always tell myself I have pots syndrome and that makes things worse

04-17-2014, 12:41 AM
If you keep telling yourself something.....doesn't make it true. I have been there and those incorrect thoughts effect your well being and how you feel. You need to believe your docs assessment. Once you get to that point.....the healing will begin. It's hard...but necessary. I just ran a 10k race and did quite well.....but then I heard 2 people died running a half marathon in North Carolina and it has messed up my psyche. I keep putting the what if's into my health again...when I have no real reason to do that. The brain is very powerful....I am in the process of working this bump in the road out in my life...Again!!! But I will get there and I met that fear and went for a 3.29 mile run tonight and I am still alive. Lol. Hang in there....Anxiety.....most notably health anxiety sucks !


04-17-2014, 12:43 AM
If you keep telling yourself something.....doesn't make it true. I have been there and those incorrect thoughts effect your well being and how you feel. You need to believe your docs assessment. Once you get to that point.....the healing will begin. It's hard...but necessary. I just ran a 10k race and did quite well.....but then I heard 2 people died running a half marathon in North Carolina and it has messed up my psyche. I keep putting the what if's into my health again...when I have no real reason to do that. The brain is very powerful....I am in the process of working this bump in the road out in my life...Again!!! But I will get there and I met that fear and went for a 3.29 mile run tonight and I am still alive. Lol. Hang in there....Anxiety.....most notably health anxiety sucks ! David

And I had the dizziness and headaches you describe as well when it all hit me last year. They went away over time as I healed and started to believe my doc.

04-17-2014, 02:08 AM
Ive been considering a therapist but just haven't had the time/: and i always tell myself I have pots syndrome and that makes things worse

You would know If you had pots syndrome. I have it. Your heart rate would go up significantly when you stand with a blood pressure drop. If you are out there living with mild dizziness and not in bed or laying down most of the time I doubt tiu have pots. Pots is an awful monster. And I really don't think you have it.

04-17-2014, 03:18 AM
You would know If you had pots syndrome. I have it. Your heart rate would go up significantly when you stand with a blood pressure drop. If you are out there living with mild dizziness and not in bed or laying down most of the time I doubt tiu have pots. Pots is an awful monster. And I really don't think you have it.

Most of the time it does go up but eventually lower itself
What are some of the symptoms you experienced?...if you don't mind me asking
Do you have a kik or something where we can talk?

04-17-2014, 11:50 AM
My symptoms are. Near fainting episodes while upright if upright too long, heart rates as high as 180 just from standing. Unable to properly digest food. Heat and cold intolerance. I had an anxiety disorder before the pots. Believe me you will be in the hospital and not wondering if you have pots. I used to have Kik I don't anymore. But you can message me

04-17-2014, 12:12 PM
My symptoms are. Near fainting episodes while upright if upright too long, heart rates as high as 180 just from standing. Unable to properly digest food. Heat and cold intolerance. I had an anxiety disorder before the pots. Believe me you will be in the hospital and not wondering if you have pots. I used to have Kik I don't anymore. But you can message me

Just messaged you (:

04-17-2014, 12:27 PM
I feel dizzy a lot when I'm really bad I hate it I have got used to it now though I get it when I leave the house mainly.

04-17-2014, 03:21 PM
I feel dizzy a lot when I'm really bad I hate it I have got used to it now though I get it when I leave the house mainly.

I hope I was able to cope with it as well as you guys.
How often do you get dizzy?

04-17-2014, 03:26 PM
I hope I was able to cope with it as well as you guys. How often do you get dizzy?
When I had my dizzy problems it was motion oriented. I ran an upright forklift and the 2 didn't mix too well. Needless to say I took some time off work at the time. Got medicated and tried to get back and eventually did. Hope this helps.

04-17-2014, 03:32 PM
When I had my dizzy problems it was motion oriented. I ran an upright forklift and the 2 didn't mix too well. Needless to say I took some time off work at the time. Got medicated and tried to get back and eventually did. Hope this helps.

what meds were u on?

04-17-2014, 09:20 PM
Hello everyone I'm back and unfortunately having dizziness /:
Ive been undergoing lots of stress lately (both parents passed away) But everyday Ive been having dizziness. I don't feel like I'm about to faint I feel out of balance and always get headaches around my temple area.
Ive had echo,ekgs,stress tests and holter monitors done all of which show no abnormality. The only thing I fear of is "POTS" Which i hope i don't have. Im fit, workout 5 days a week and have never passed out.
Any idea of what this might be?

My guess would be anxiety, possibly a result of high cortisol if you have been stressed for a prolonged period of time. Pain near the temple or front of the head could be tension headaches. What I have found with anxiety especially regarding health, if there is a particular condition or something I am afraid of my anxiety will produce some of the symptoms of that condition. For example if someone is worried about their heart they may check it the best they can with a Bp machine and what will happen is that their heart rate will increase when checking it......... the anxiety and our fears cause the reaction.

I don't know your schedule but do your best to make time for a therapist, are you currently taking any medication?

04-18-2014, 12:10 AM
what meds were u on?

I was on Paxil and Ativan. A fairly low dose of both.

04-18-2014, 12:11 AM
what meds were u on?

Paxil and Ativan.