View Full Version : Lasted 5 hours

04-16-2014, 06:45 AM
Back to work today. Only doing 2 days in the office and three at home. The people I don't like aren't even in the office but for some reason I've started getting chest pains, dizzy, bad thoughts etc. I've taken a beta blocker for the pain and nicked a rubber band to snap on my wrist to distract me from the thoughts.

No idea why this has come on. Feel terrible now.

I've been on 50mg of sertraline for nearly two weeks. I know my Dr said I probably wont feel the effects of it for a few weeks but this has really knocked me back down.

Kind of need a hug. Today started so nicely too

04-16-2014, 10:01 AM
Hang in there! It usually takes a few more weeks for it to kick in. Then you will start to feel much better.So, get a calendar, mark out a date three more weeks from now....and look towards that day as a goal. Im sure you will be feeling better by that point in time.

You might find it helpful to keep a daily log of how you are feeling......either on your own or in here.

04-17-2014, 12:28 AM
I've got a diary (four weeks on and it's nearly full tho eeep!)
Am at the Dr's today. Hopefully she can advise more on if what I'm feeling is OK. Got a few random potential side effects too.

Will mark three weeks away on the ccalendar tho, that's a great idea thank you!

Got a call asking me to go in for an initial assessment for Councilling on Wednesday so am pretty happy to be getting that sorted.

Not in the office today but I'm still technically working. Am exhausted again though as my neighbours thought playing the drums at 2am was OK...

04-17-2014, 03:23 AM
Yes, your medicine will take time. When I first began Sertraline, it took six weeks to feel the full effects and even that barely touched my anxiety. That's the toughest part is waiting it out and figuring out which medicines will help you best. Counseling helps SO much! The diary sounds like a good idea too. Find lots of little things to keep your mind busy. Hope you find some peace soon!