View Full Version : Its crazy..

04-15-2014, 11:44 PM
Now that I'm learning things & actually looking into my anxiety, I'm remembering past experiences where I've had anxiety before & never know..

So, I've dealt with this for a long time but never knew it was anxiety until two years ago, someone brought up anxiety to me & at that very moment I knew I had it.

It's crazy how you don't know you have it when it's so mild but once it gets bad & you look back, you're like wow. It's been here all along..

Crazy to me..

04-16-2014, 12:31 AM
My first anxiety attack was in an ambulance with my daughter being transported to a different hospital when they thought she had appendicitis. But she really just had a swollen adenoid. I wasn't even scared of it. And I just thought it was stress. Mine always creeps up as a weird physical symptom...I used to have rolling attacks for hours at a time. :/ as we learn we deal better!!!

04-16-2014, 01:05 AM
My first anxiety attack was in an ambulance with my daughter being transported to a different hospital when they thought she had appendicitis. But she really just had a swollen adenoid. I wasn't even scared of it. And I just thought it was stress. Mine always creeps up as a weird physical symptom...I used to have rolling attacks for hours at a time. :/ as we learn we deal better!!!

Yea!! I use to think I was just nervous!! But now that I know it's anxiety, it freaks me out.