View Full Version : Headaxhe/muscle tension???

04-15-2014, 04:36 PM
Anyone else have that...it's been six months...started as severe head pressure in the back of my head...then turned Into what feels like muscle tightness or contraction...two neuros said it was anxiety a headaxhe and primary doctor said it was complicated migraine..I do get migraines from time to time but this is pretty constant they diagnosed migraines from dizziness which even that subsided..I doubt migraines transform lol I'm wondering if anyone has similar experiences

04-15-2014, 05:11 PM
Can you completely relax your forehead comfortably?

How long can you relax it for comfortably?

04-15-2014, 05:22 PM
Yea I can relax it I breathe when I lay down and try to let go of the tension in my body...it's just weird how this developed a lot of doctors say it's anxiety which has went way down lately and only a couple say it's migraines due to dizziness randomly but even that went away just literally feels like muscle tension and contraction and spasms...sometimes I feel like the high stress from a panic attack when this all started got so intense it danger nerves I know that's not likely..just a lot of question little answers and even the doctors conflict each other lol sometimes the only people that would really know are people who have been through it..would really like to know if this is something I gotta deal with forever or what I thought for sure it would have passed wen my anxiety leveled out

04-15-2014, 07:52 PM
Anyone else have that...it's been six months...started as severe head pressure in the back of my head...then turned Into what feels like muscle tightness or contraction...two neuros said it was anxiety a headaxhe and primary doctor said it was complicated migraine..I do get migraines from time to time but this is pretty constant they diagnosed migraines from dizziness which even that subsided..I doubt migraines transform lol I'm wondering if anyone has similar experiences

It's good you're seeing doctors - also have you tried getting a professional massage? I don't have migraines, but I had a terrible sinus headache for weeks (this happened a few times). Every time I got a massage, it would disappear after about 15 minutes... the masseuse said this is common! (can't remember how he explained it, but it made sense... something to do with lymph nodes, I think!).

04-15-2014, 08:51 PM
It's weird...started as head pressure to muscle contractions/tension to dull ache at the very top of my head...and goes back and fourth. After months of this I wonder if ill ever feel normal again. Seriously who gets that it never goes away that's not very likely...right...hopefully.

04-19-2014, 09:16 AM
Get used to it.I have it for 6 years.It is just anxiety.Some times i feel also i will choke,my veins in my head are very protruted i feel like exploding,my brain speed is slowing down making mistakes too.Like CPU overload!

The neurologist said "You will not die but you should get used to live with it".He suggested me SSRI's but i refused.

04-19-2014, 09:22 AM
It's weird...started as head pressure to muscle contractions/tension to dull ache at the very top of my head...and goes back and fourth. After months of this I wonder if ill ever feel normal again. Seriously who gets that it never goes away that's not very likely...right...hopefully.

It will go away! Massage therapy or acupressure. I suffered for so many years with this type of pain in my head and now that I've been in therapy for a couple of months the headaches are completely gone.

Don't give up rjo, you don't have to live with this. You are too young for that crap!


04-19-2014, 09:24 AM
I have had the exact same experience and the common theme between me,you and ganglia is anxiety. Just try your best to live with it.... I am currently taking amitriptyline and it is helping.

04-19-2014, 09:30 AM
Thank you Pam def feel too young to live with it lol a bad panic attack started it that I know for sure and since have had a lot of anxiety it does seem to go away when doing something I enjoy I've just read a lot of things saying it will be there forever and six months later it scary to think it won't

04-19-2014, 09:46 AM
Thank you Pam def feel too young to live with it lol a bad panic attack started it that I know for sure and since have had a lot of anxiety it does seem to go away when doing something I enjoy I've just read a lot of things saying it will be there forever and six months later it scary to think it won't

Gonna give you a little exercise to try.

For the next couple of days, only be concerned with what is happening today. When you start thinking about yesterday or the future , bring your mind back to today.

Think about things like, is the sun shining? Is it a beautiful day. Do you have 2 legs to walk with? You get what I mean. Anything that you should and do feel grateful for, no matter how small or silly they might seem.

The only thing that you can impact and have control over is right now, today. 6 months from now will take care of itself, and probably be very different than you could possibly imagine or worry about.

I've read many of your posts over the past little while, you are definitely better than you were a month or so ago! Maybe you don't see it, but I do.

Keep living in today, you have seen so many of us veterans say this to many many people.

Cheers friend, you will be ok!

04-19-2014, 09:54 AM
Pam u are on point today:) I am so much better then I was ,anxiety, headaches all of it.. Neither is gone completely but so much better then when this started thank you for reminding me of that and I will take your advice on focusing on today..sometimes it's good to be reminded of progress sometimes u can just get tired of the fight:) thank you. Have a great Easter weekend.

04-19-2014, 10:19 AM
Pam u are on point today:) I am so much better then I was ,anxiety, headaches all of it.. Neither is gone completely but so much better then when this started thank you for reminding me of that and I will take your advice on focusing on today..sometimes it's good to be reminded of progress sometimes u can just get tired of the fight:) thank you. Have a great Easter weekend.

You are welcome!

I hope you are spending this special time of year with those you love!


04-19-2014, 11:07 AM
Pam u are on point today:) I am so much better then I was ,anxiety, headaches all of it.. Neither is gone completely but so much better then when this started thank you for reminding me of that and I will take your advice on focusing on today..sometimes it's good to be reminded of progress sometimes u can just get tired of the fight:) thank you. Have a great Easter weekend.
Focusing on today and now is the best, you live in the moment, and notice everything, :)
Mindfulness meditation, can be sitting, lying down, walking, observing, just be here and right now and enjoy it:))