View Full Version : Am i going crazy?

04-15-2014, 10:05 AM
I day i woke up and it felt like a dream i also staired at the floor everything was moving slightly and its like i couldnt focus and my eyes have been displaying moving objects and to this day it keeps getting worse ... Will this go down ? Does anyone know how to reduce eye symptoms i can help but to continue to think brain tumor ...

04-15-2014, 11:28 AM
Anxiety always made me feel temporarily crazy. You can feel crazier than crazy, and do the most foolish things, and well - feel completely lost at sea inside your own mind... You can see the darkest, frightening things, and experience symptoms that feel like an LSD trip... But then sometime later, regain that feeling of complete sanity again.

How long that takes and how long it lasts, depends on your condition.

Maybe it's just for a second, but that second is priceless, cos it reminds you it's still there.

Those symptoms you're feeling are up there with some of the freakiest.

How can you feel those things, and yet be declared medically sane?

Truthfully, I still don't know :) but that's anxiety for ya. Weird and wonderful. Harmless, and yet the most destructive thing outside of heroin. A condition of oxymorons!

Sorry, I'm rambling! No, you're not crazy. But you are very, very anxious.

04-15-2014, 11:35 AM
One of the only things I've got that will help your eye symptoms - frustratingly enough - is somehow lower your anxiety.

I know that's a terrible answer, but when in the midsts of an acute period, the symptoms are a reaction to nervous strain, rather than anything else that can be fixed. The only really solution unless you get lucky (which people do), is to lower your nervous stimulation.

If you have benzos, taking them for a few days may give you a break and relieve some of that strain.

Cold tea bags on the eyes? That may help a little, even though the problem isn't really anything to do with your actual vision.

An eye test, to rule out some stuff. Always helpful.

Apart from that, maybe some good old fashioned brain storming about where it's going wrong. I can sense a lot of anxiety from your posts, so, there are probably quite a few obvious triggers around. The brain tumour fear you mention is one. I can imagine that's a pretty big one too.

Have you checked out 14s thread in the stickies? He's a trainee (I think he's still training?) therapist, made a nice thread about changing perspective and thing habits related to most anxiety fears really, or at least it's building up towards most.

If hypochondria is something you still battle, worth chatting to him!

04-15-2014, 11:53 AM
Sorry to jump in on a thread but speaking of muscle strain...I've had bad muscle contraction in my head like just tense muscles I know it's anxiety that at least was the cause but will it go away it's been months and had gotten better but not gone pretty constant I sometimes feel like I damaged nerves in the back of my head due to such high stress when I had some bad panic attacks jessed sir u seem knowledgable so I was curious what you thought about it...my anxiety level has gone way down..not completely gone but a hundred fold to what it was when these headaxhes started it's an annoying symptom and I feel like it will never go away and in stuck with it forever lol thoughts..

04-16-2014, 12:30 AM
One of the only things I've got that will help your eye symptoms - frustratingly enough - is somehow lower your anxiety. I know that's a terrible answer, but when in the midsts of an acute period, the symptoms are a reaction to nervous strain, rather than anything else that can be fixed. The only really solution unless you get lucky (which people do), is to lower your nervous stimulation. If you have benzos, taking them for a few days may give you a break and relieve some of that strain. Cold tea bags on the eyes? That may help a little, even though the problem isn't really anything to do with your actual vision. An eye test, to rule out some stuff. Always helpful. Apart from that, maybe some good old fashioned brain storming about where it's going wrong. I can sense a lot of anxiety from your posts, so, there are probably quite a few obvious triggers around. The brain tumour fear you mention is one. I can imagine that's a pretty big one too. Have you checked out 14s thread in the stickies? He's a trainee (I think he's still training?) therapist, made a nice thread about changing perspective and thing habits related to most anxiety fears really, or at least it's building up towards most. If hypochondria is something you still battle, worth chatting to him! thank you so much will definitely try this (:

04-16-2014, 03:40 AM
Sorry to jump in on a thread but speaking of muscle strain...I've had bad muscle contraction in my head like just tense muscles I know it's anxiety that at least was the cause but will it go away it's been months and had gotten better but not gone pretty constant I sometimes feel like I damaged nerves in the back of my head due to such high stress when I had some bad panic attacks jessed sir u seem knowledgable so I was curious what you thought about it...my anxiety level has gone way down..not completely gone but a hundred fold to what it was when these headaxhes started it's an annoying symptom and I feel like it will never go away and in stuck with it forever lol thoughts..

Hey rjo,

I suffered with those types of headaches for a long long time. Even when the anxiety levels went down the head pain was still there.

What you are likely feeling is referred pain from your shoulders and upper back. From the shoulder blades to the base of your skull.

Most people carry their stress and tension in this area and because they are perpetually tense you often feel pain in the head.

My best suggestion for you is to have a few sessions of massage therapy or acupressure for relief. An acupuncturist can do the acupressure and don't worry, there are no needles involved!

I suffered for years with this until the last month when my accupuncturist tried something different and was able to release all these muscles. What a HUGE relief! I have been headache free for over a month now and life gets better and better!

Good luck. Constant head pain really affects your quality of life so do what you can to get some relief!
