View Full Version : Just curious... Anyone else find this?

04-14-2014, 10:09 PM
Trying to explain to someone the extremes of your anxiety, when not feeling too low, is like trying to solve a Rubik's cube.

I'm in the stages of trying to explain to my boyfriend the severity of my anxiety; it seems so easy, and all the words are there during my "down" periods.. However as soon as I'm lifted back up I feel like I sound stupid and even go as far as doubting my own anxiety.

"I was just being dramatic".. "He doesn't need to know"

But in reality, away from my crazy messed up mind, I'm not being dramatic, it's just so hard to put all these feelings into words without me feeling silly.

Just curious.. But does anyone else relate?

Irish Sammie
04-15-2014, 07:26 AM
Completely Chaized.

It's funny. When you're in the mood to talk to people about it, usually it's at times when you're not feeling anxiety. You don't want to worry the person, so you tend to try and put a good spin on it, trying to sound optimistic and that you'll get through it. Atleast that's how I try to approach it. Anxiety comes and goes for most. For me, I ok most of the time, then out of the blue I can start feeling moment of dis-association and feeling very uneasy. At those times, I'm so focussed on what's going on with me, I have no interest in talking to anyone about at it that very moment.

Those who I've spoken to about it, never really react in a concerned way. I believe the reason is, most of them who you tell have experienced anxiety, and don't see it as a serious thing. It's when it gets to uncontrollable levels, that's when people can't relate unless they've experienced it themselves. For me, I'm having huge issues with my vision at the moment because of it. Can people relate? no. Do I have the tendency not to bring it up with anyone because of it? Yes.

It's frustrating, it's annoying and you wish people could see inside your mind and experience it first hand. It's unfortunately one of those things that is hard to articulate and make someone understand fully. My advice, is to sit your boyfriend down, and tell him to really listen to you. That you need him to hear what you're saying, and to be there for you when you need him. Having a casual conversation about it won't emphasize the situation to the level you need it understood.

I hope this helps :)

04-15-2014, 03:37 PM
That's exactly what it is. When the feelings of anxiety aren't about as much it feels normal, like you said, to put a good spin on it.. It's so frustrating! Yeah I've said to him I think the best way for him to understand is for him to actually be around when I'm feeling how I do, so he can see first hand how it affects me.. He is definitely trying to understand, and I understand how hard it will be for that.. Wish things were simple!

Yeah if only people could see inside our minds, would make things so much easier, hate that people think it isn't serious, when really it can ruin lives �� hmph, well thank you for your reply! I will definitely take your advice, and it's good to know there are people to talk to who understand the struggle..

Thank you! ��