View Full Version : Shitty day with the pdoc

04-14-2014, 05:53 PM
I had panic and a major depressive episode today so I went to see my new pdoc. He said I am on enough meds to cover everything and I need therapy. Is it really possible to feel like shit, want to die, and be on all the right meds? I'm on pristiq, abilify, remeron and now klonopin. I still feel depressed and have panic, especially dealing with work. It is so discouraging to think this is as good as I'm going to feel and the only thing for me to do is get therapy. What does everyone think?

04-14-2014, 06:04 PM
I had panic and a major depressive episode today so I went to see my new pdoc. He said I am on enough meds to cover everything and I need therapy. Is it really possible to feel like shit, want to die, and be on all the right meds? I'm on pristiq, abilify, remeron and now klonopin. I still feel depressed and have panic, especially dealing with work. It is so discouraging to think this is as good as I'm going to feel and the only thing for me to do is get therapy. What does everyone think?

Therapy can be extremely helpful in trying to understand what may be contributing to the emotional aspects of your situation.

How long have you been on the meds?

04-15-2014, 07:55 AM
I've been on the pristiq about a month now...the abilify and remeron for 4 months....the klonopin a week.

05-06-2014, 07:50 AM
just checking in... how have you been, are the meds working for you? Im on remeron too but don't think its been helping me much with anxiety, i do seem to be in a slightly better mood though.

05-06-2014, 08:18 PM
I had panic and a major depressive episode today so I went to see my new pdoc. He said I am on enough meds to cover everything and I need therapy. Is it really possible to feel like shit, want to die, and be on all the right meds? I'm on pristiq, abilify, remeron and now klonopin. I still feel depressed and have panic, especially dealing with work. It is so discouraging to think this is as good as I'm going to feel and the only thing for me to do is get therapy. What does everyone think?

It's fairly common for a doctor to use a combination of meds and therapy to treat their patients. When I was first diagnosed with depression and anxiety my treatment plan began with therapy and after a period of time it was determined that I would benefit from adding meds to the treatment plan. Have you ever tried therapy?

05-07-2014, 12:42 PM
You might be on...too many meds?

I don't know. Don't take my advice.

I tried to keep the meds as minimal as possible. Of course, I recently had a total nervous breakdown.

05-08-2014, 01:21 PM
just checking in... how have you been, are the meds working for you? Im on remeron too but don't think its been helping me much with anxiety, i do seem to be in a slightly better mood though.

I'm doing ok...trying the therapy thing when I can, but my insurance right now isn't the best so I can't go all the time. I feel a bit better, but still not what I consider good.