View Full Version : Severe sadness - depression?

04-14-2014, 04:26 PM
Hey guys!

I'm dealing with my anxiety pretty good. But, there are some periods where my mind just "close" and go full retard-mode.

I've noticed it gets worse at nights. I get this sadness, don't know if it's depression. I don't feel numb, it's just severe sadness. I don't know why?

I feel like a hormonal woman on her period. I lose all hope or motivation. On top of all this, I'm dealing with my DR. It still hits me at night, not as severe, but noticable.

How do I deal with this? I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm happy all day and I don't think life is sh*t. I love my life.

I'm scared this sadness might develope into some kind of depression. Ugh.

So, how do I deal with this?


04-14-2014, 04:34 PM
Hey Elias, are you taking any meds? Its crazy how Panic attacks cause a series, I had a bad panic attack, the bad panic attack caused anxiety, the constant anxiety and fear of another panic attack cause more stress, then I began to go downwards being depressed thinking I coud not beat this thing.

Doc prescribed me Prozac and now I feel pretty good other than the 3 weeks of hell getting through the side effects. My mind did wander and I went through what you are going through. I have a great life too but was feeling really crappy. I just really focused on a goal and every time I had a bad thought I would use a distraction, something funny. Youtube, Family Guy, Stand Up Comic on Netflix, just something to distract the thoughts.

Also I finally made a realization, negative thoughts are not bad, we all had negative thoughts before our panic and anxiety issues. The difference now is we are so hypersensative to our bodies and our minds that we think the moment a bad thought jumps in our head we think something is wrong with us. Change your thought process, when our body reacts to something dont automatically thing something is wrong just asses it and move on.

You can do it! Hang in there!

04-14-2014, 04:50 PM
Hey Exactice

I'm taking atarax. Makes me feel like crap though. I'm relaxed and all, but I feel like a damn zombie lol. I take it only when I'm going to do something that can potentionally make me more anxious. I rarely take it. My doc doesn't think I'm "bad" enough to get meds like AD or SSRI.

I try to distract myself with all kinds of games. I watch streamers, which helps a bit too. I don't know though, feels like I can't shake off this annoying "dark"/scary feeling. I hate that it hits me at night. No one is awake and I'm all alone, can't talk to someone or anything to distract myself.

True. I had these negative thoughts before all this. That's great advice!

Thanks! :)

04-15-2014, 04:21 PM
Feeling this today too. F*ckin' shitty feeling.

I'm distracting myself as much as possible. It's still there though.

Anyone got a way of thinking that may help here? I'd appreciate if you would share it!