View Full Version : Numbness but not numb?

04-14-2014, 02:43 PM
Hey guys so recently i believe yesterday ive had this sensation that my knee and below as long as my arm and below are numb but dont feel numb i can feel my arms and legs i didnt have the tingling or anything but i feel like its somewhat numb does anyone have this ? Could it be anxiety? Im always having off and on symptoms or symptoms that keep changing for another :/ i feel i can never heal myself or anything

04-14-2014, 04:35 PM
Yes, it's crazy what the anxiety can do huh?

This is called depersonalization. Scary symptom. Temporary though. Stop giving a sh*t about it and keep on living your life.

Try to not fear it. As long as your fear it - it will stay. The longer it stays - the longer it will stay. If that makes sense lol.

Wish you the best!

04-14-2014, 07:58 PM
Yes!! It's happens I'm my left led and into my toes and foot.
You're not alone :) it has gotten better but the first attack I had
That's what happened and boy did I flip lol. Just know
You're not numb!! You're ok. Absolutely right about learning not to fear it.
Take care

04-15-2014, 10:09 AM
Yes!! It's happens I'm my left led and into my toes and foot. You're not alone :) it has gotten better but the first attack I had That's what happened and boy did I flip lol. Just know You're not numb!! You're ok. Absolutely right about learning not to fear it. Take care thank you this made me feel better (:

04-15-2014, 10:09 AM
Yes, it's crazy what the anxiety can do huh? This is called depersonalization. Scary symptom. Temporary though. Stop giving a sh*t about it and keep on living your life. Try to not fear it. As long as your fear it - it will stay. The longer it stays - the longer it will stay. If that makes sense lol. Wish you the best! thank you its crazy because right after i read this i forgot about it and it went away thank you so much really appreciate it take care

04-15-2014, 02:16 PM
Heck yes! I've noticed it happens more when I'm stressed out & paying attention to all my physical symptoms! If I don't pay attention to it, my left arm and right leg feel absolutely normal.