View Full Version : Just a really flawed time of late

04-14-2014, 12:30 PM
It is so tiring. I'm tired of being worried about every single thing. I'm worried about health, I'm worried about my job, I'm worried about being a good parent and providing, I'm worried about my parents who are having health issues and having their child go through this doesn't help. I'm worried about my in-laws who are having their own health issues of late. I'm worried about my wife who has her own depression problems but has been carrying so much of late. Honestly, it's so tough right now and I don't know how to get it better. I'm trying to be strong, trying to slow down, breath, not look at everything as the end of the world, but it would be nice if a few good things happened. I know others have went through this and worse, I get that, and lord knows I sympathize with them. I know that I don't deserve a magic solution anymore than others do either, but I'll be so tickled if it happened. It's got to get better.