View Full Version : Having a panic atrack

04-14-2014, 09:39 AM
Any help or calming advice.

I no what I should be doing as in sitting down and riding this out, but my brain is on hyper alert screaming at me I'm dying.
I'm so scared which is crazy as I no whats going on.
My husband has only popped out for an hour and my son is outside playing, but I'm wandering around this house like a looney thinking I'm about to drop dead any second.
Any help please I'm mess here :-/

04-14-2014, 11:36 AM
You'll be okay.

04-14-2014, 01:00 PM
Hi Petrified,
I just spent the last two weeks that way. Just had a biopsy done on the inside of my lip two weeks ago so that whole time I was out of my mind. I was maxing my daily allowed dose of xanax (I never do that) and trying to keep it together at work and not let my little kids see it. After a very long wait everthing came back OK. What I am saying is that I know where you are coming from and you too will get through it. You will.

04-14-2014, 01:15 PM
Thank you just everything is setting me off at the moment.
I was starting to calm a little until I read on Facebook that some 24 year old went to bed last night and died. This of course has made me worse again. Grrrr really fed up.

I'm so pleased your results came back ok I bet that was a massive weight off your chest

04-14-2014, 01:58 PM
Yes it was. But this is how anxiety works. I was feeling great about it until a customer just came in two min. ago and said hey you have really lost a lot of weight ( 60 pounds in one year ) and it all came back. I keep thinking to myself, wow that is a lot of weight, maybe something else is wrong? Anxiety is a wicked thing that's for sure. I have been on paxil for 12 years and gained a lot of weight, over 100 pounds. I went off of paxil over a year ago and hope that is why I am taking off the weight? Either way anxiety is a tough one! One day at a time petrified, one day at a time or in my case maybe one hour at a time. We can do it.

04-15-2014, 09:47 AM
Any help or calming advice.

I no what I should be doing as in sitting down and riding this out, but my brain is on hyper alert screaming at me I'm dying.
I'm so scared which is crazy as I no whats going on.
My husband has only popped out for an hour and my son is outside playing, but I'm wandering around this house like a looney thinking I'm about to drop dead any second.
Any help please I'm mess here :-/

I was in your shoes a month ago. Went so far as to commit myself to a mental health hospital. Turns out that I was just on the wrong meds the entire time. Before I got put on Effexor I thought my life was over. I didn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. In short I was a complete and utter mess of one panic attack after the other. Taking up to 5 or 6 mg of Xanax a day. After being on Effexor and Lamictal for two weeks my anxiety levels went from a constant 9 down to a 1 at times. Mornings are still tough, but my anxiety hadn't spiked above a 4 and I haven't had an attack in weeks. The right meds was all it took. Just my two cents. Oh, and I'm down from the 5 or 6 Xanax a day to about 2 a day. Best of all I now have hope. Hang in there.

04-15-2014, 12:08 PM
I was in your shoes a month ago. Went so far as to commit myself to a mental health hospital. Turns out that I was just on the wrong meds the entire time. Before I got put on Effexor I thought my life was over. I didn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. In short I was a complete and utter mess of one panic attack after the other. Taking up to 5 or 6 mg of Xanax a day. After being on Effexor and Lamictal for two weeks my anxiety levels went from a constant 9 down to a 1 at times. Mornings are still tough, but my anxiety hadn't spiked above a 4 and I haven't had an attack in weeks. The right meds was all it took. Just my two cents. Oh, and I'm down from the 5 or 6 Xanax a day to about 2 a day. Best of all I now have hope. Hang in there.

That's amazing well done you it sounds like you have come a great way.
I've been on my meds fluxotine and propananol around 6 month now and they were working!
Yesterday I had 80mg of propananol my maximum dose and it still didn't touch the panic.
Do you think it might be worth me going back to see my gp?

04-15-2014, 12:38 PM
You have to use the generic terms of the meds . Not sure what you are on.

04-15-2014, 01:07 PM
You have to use the generic terms of the meds . Not sure what you are on.

Prozac and beta blockers

04-15-2014, 02:12 PM
Prozac and beta blockers

The family that Prozac was in did not help me one bit. I've tried almost all of the meds in the Prozac family with no success. I'm now I'm the SSNI family now and it's a night and day difference. I don't know your level of panic and it's history, I can only tell you mine. SSRI no good for me SSNI night and day. Any more questions please feel free to ask.

04-15-2014, 02:19 PM
The family that Prozac was in did not help me one bit. I've tried almost all of the meds in the Prozac family with no success. I'm now I'm the SSNI family now and it's a night and day difference. I don't know your level of panic and it's history, I can only tell you mine. SSRI no good for me SSNI night and day. Any more questions please feel free to ask.

Thank you :-)