View Full Version : Effexor question? A recovery story.

04-13-2014, 08:46 PM
I started out on 75mg of Effexor 3 weeks ago, after getting out of a mental health facility. Wow, what a difference in anxiety levels. Went from having massive anxiety attacks everyday and taking 5 to 6 Xanax a day.
Now three weeks later I'm doing so much better. No more panic attacks, down to 2 to 3 Xanax a day and anxiety levels around a 3. From a 1 to 10 scale.
Was bumped up to 150mg last Thursday. I was wondering if it is an immediate effect or if it takes a while for the extra dose to kick in. Thanks.

04-14-2014, 03:28 AM
Hi Srm,

Nice to see the positive progress you are making!

The boost in dosage will take a bit of time to fully kick in. You are well on your way.


04-14-2014, 07:04 AM
Effexor XR is extremely helpful in my experience. You're doing well, and I want you to keep posting to let us see the results. Do you take XR? Also best wishes, as you are making it happen. Learn all you can here, and by readings elsewhere. Congratulations!


04-15-2014, 09:49 AM
Hi Srm,

Nice to see the positive progress you are making!

The boost in dosage will take a bit of time to fully kick in. You are well on your way.


Thank you. Mornings are still a bit rough to get through. No where near what they used to be and by the end of the day I'm completely fine. Huge difference from three weeks ago. About how long does the extra dosage take to fully kick in? Thanks.

04-15-2014, 11:41 AM
Thank you. Mornings are still a bit rough to get through. No where near what they used to be and by the end of the day I'm completely fine. Huge difference from three weeks ago. About how long does the extra dosage take to fully kick in? Thanks.

Probably a couple of weeks.

04-15-2014, 12:37 PM
Probably a couple of weeks.

I just figured since it was already in my system it would be an immediate reaction.

04-15-2014, 02:10 PM
I just figured since it was already in my system it would be an immediate reaction.

Too bad it doesn't work that way, it won't however be as rough as the first stretch. Just be diligent about taking it at the same time each day'

Hoping it goes well for you.

04-15-2014, 02:51 PM
Thank you so much. Just nice to know that I have something to look forward to.

04-15-2014, 03:02 PM
Dude I remember the day you were talking about the sudden stop of klonopin. I was thinking when you get back you'll be on the road to doing better. I'm glad it went that way, it usually does for those who reach out. Glad you're back. So do you take the XR? I found that to be my answer as well. Although it took a month for it to kick in fully. I was also a sick to my stomach during that time.


04-15-2014, 06:19 PM
Dude I remember the day you were talking about the sudden stop of klonopin. I was thinking when you get back you'll be on the road to doing better. I'm glad it went that way, it usually does for those who reach out. Glad you're back. So do you take the XR? I found that to be my answer as well. Although it took a month for it to kick in fully. I was also a sick to my stomach during that time.


Yeah man, thanks. It's Effexor XR 150mg/day. Can't believe what a turn around in my life. I still get mild anxiety, worst in the morning but not even remotely close to the terror I was living in. Plus, I've only been on Effexor for a little over two weeks and I've seen remarkable changes. I hope they keep coming. Thanks for remembering me.