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The Melody of Rain
05-02-2008, 01:52 PM
Three weeks ago I had a disorder comprised of anxiety and major depression. Today, I do not.

05-03-2008, 11:09 AM
How? How long was your disorder and what did you do to get rid of it?

The Melody of Rain
05-03-2008, 06:52 PM
Delighted you asked. Six years ago, I thought my way into an anxiety disorder and almost three weeks ago I began to think my way out of it. It was a gradual process that took about two weeks of factual analysis and relaxation.

I'm now completely calm, happy and confident that this disorder will never again return. It appears as if I have awoken from a hazy dream. The world looks and feels completely different, my thoughts are lucid and positive and I haven't felt like this since I was thirteen.

Its 2am, but I thought I'd login before bed to see if anyone had replied. I'm currently in the process of writing up the techniques I implemented in order to achieve success; although I suppose that could be done here. Its a formula. I want to help everyone. I'll need a decent hour though, but it'll be done.

I don't want to leave you with nothing, so for the moment I'll leave you with this:
Question: You must question everything. The solution to your issue lies within your own mind. A problem cannot occur without a reason, and where reasons are present solutions are too. Essentially, the cause defines the solution. Are you with me so far?

05-04-2008, 03:35 AM
Me too. I don't have an actual 'anxiety disorder' anymore, but I just can't get over it, still anxious in a normal way, & depressed.

The Melody of Rain
05-04-2008, 06:41 AM
Thats natural, although with my new outlook I fear nothing and no-one. That is a fact.

Does your depression cause dis-order to your life?
Is it genetically inherited or does it occur from negative thinking?

05-04-2008, 07:26 AM
No, it wasn't genetically inherited, I used to be really happy. I was subjected to violence a while back which set off my anxiety, & I couldn't trust anyone for a while. I was scared it may happen again & again. But I began to realise that it was a one-off (rational thinking, which helped me get cured, but there were other things I did) & I feel a lot safer now, but depressed. I'm thinking more positive now, but I find life hard going.

05-04-2008, 01:56 PM
Hi The Melody of Rain
Not wanting to sound nasty in anyway,but after suffering for nearly 20 years the way I have,and then somebody like you comes along with a post like that,the only thing I can say is "what sort of illegal substance have you taken, or how much have you had to drink?) :ack: because it dont happen like that and all you are doing is giving folks false hope.IT JUST DONT WORK THAT WAY!!!
SORRY!! :oops: :oops:
BUT IT DOES'NT!!! :unsure: :unsure:

05-04-2008, 02:08 PM
I don't think he/she took any illegal substance because that can make anxiety worse. Yes, you have to think you're way out of it, rational thinking, you really have to listen to Melody of Rain, part of the reason why I got cured of an actual 'Anxiety disorder' was listening to what ex-sufferers told me to do to get cured.

05-04-2008, 02:52 PM
Again I am SORRY!
But my problems have completley ruined my life for nearly 20 years,you could not believe how ill I feel most days , and for some body to say that you could sort yourself out in 3 weeks is a complete joke in my eyes. I have been to hell and back and are still half way there.My physical symptoms are so chronic I can hardly function somedays that there is no way I can believe the words of someone like this.I have tried every trick in the book, so dont tell me that Melody of Rain is for real , because whoever they are they are talking a load of CR*P.

05-04-2008, 03:12 PM
I know you've said you've tried every trick in the book, but the only people that can really help you are ex-sufferers. I'm one too. Sorry that you've suffered for so long, I think maybe my anxiety wasn't as bad, but these disturbing thoughts I used to have & the social embarrassment still hits me hard at times.

Sorry, but you have to start believing that you can get cured, that's a positive thought in itself to actually getting cured.

05-05-2008, 02:19 AM
Me too. I don't have an actual 'anxiety disorder' anymore, but I just can't get over it, still anxious in a normal way, & depressed.

I know you've said you've tried every trick in the book, but the only people that can really help you are ex-sufferers. I'm one too. Sorry that you've suffered for so long, I think maybe my anxiety wasn't as bad, but these disturbing thoughts I used to have & the social embarrassment still hits me hard at times.

Sorry, but you have to start believing that you can get cured, that's a positive thought in itself to actually getting cured.

You need to keep a couple of things in mind regarding your persistent problems. First of all, the depression you speak of is often just a residual effect of anxiety. Many people who experience anxiety tend to feel 'flat' and 'out of it' for some time after the REAL anxiety disorder is over. This can certainly feel depressing. The important thing is to be patient and let it pass while connecting yourself once again to the world around you. Just remember that this is something that won't go away quickly. It will take time. So be patient.

As for your other problems (ie social problems), remember that overcoming the anxiety disorder itself does not mean that these problems will go away. After all, your anxiety disorder was not caused by problems like social embarassment. Rather, it was caused by STRESS resulting from problems like social embarassment. So anxiety disorder CAN go away without dealing with problems like this. However, if you don't deal with these sorts of problems, you leave yourself susceptible to the return of anxiety disorder.

The Melody of Rain
05-05-2008, 04:12 AM
Hi The Melody of Rain
Not wanting to sound nasty in anyway,but after suffering for nearly 20 years the way I have,and then somebody like you comes along with a post like that,the only thing I can say is "what sort of illegal substance have you taken, or how much have you had to drink?) :ack: because it dont happen like that and all you are doing is giving folks false hope.IT JUST DONT WORK THAT WAY!!!
SORRY!! :oops: :oops:
BUT IT DOES'NT!!! :unsure: :unsure:

Again I am SORRY!
But my problems have completley ruined my life for nearly 20 years,you could not believe how ill I feel most days , and for some body to say that you could sort yourself out in 3 weeks is a complete joke in my eyes. I have been to hell and back and are still half way there.My physical symptoms are so chronic I can hardly function somedays that there is no way I can believe the words of someone like this.I have tried every trick in the book, so dont tell me that Melody of Rain is for real , because whoever they are they are talking a load of CR*P.

You've just found your cure; positive thinking. Every word you wrote was negative which can only occur by either persistently taking the piss, or negative thinking. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and presume the latter, as I'm an optimist. You, appear to be of a pessimistic outlook which, if indeed true, is the cause of your 20 year long anxiety disorder.

Are you calling me a liar? Are you suggesting I would 'lie' to these people?
If so, what is your basis? Surely all solid conclusions necessitate a solid foundation, do they not?
I would appreciate answers, please. Do not unjustly defecate my name for I am here to help you.

I will now clarify, in case my statements are anything less than lucid. I said it took me about three weeks to come out of it an return to a comfortable state. I had to change my outlook. Trying every trick in the book wont help if you discontinue your efforts after not succeeding. You must try again.

At present, I'm back tracking through the pivotal thought process that ushered forth my liberation but I need people to pose me the right questions as frankly my memory appears to be only gradually improving which is because I was mentally stressed for such a long time.

Do not be envious though. I am not here to be complimented but as I have already stated and will so once again, I am only here to help and I believe I can. If not, prove it.

05-05-2008, 04:47 AM
You've just found your cure; positive thinking. Every word you wrote was negative which can only occur by either persistently taking the piss, or negative thinking. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and presume the latter, as I'm an optimist. You, appear to be of a pessimistic outlook which, if indeed true, is the cause of your 20 year long anxiety disorder.

Are you calling me a liar?
Are you suggesting I would 'lie' to these people?

I would appreciate a response, please.

You DO have to realize that different people heal from anxiety differently. Some people (like yourself) can recover in a VERY short time. However, MOST people take ALOT longer than three weeks to recover. This is well documented by such experts in the field as Claire Weekes. The key thing to remember here is that anxiety is directly caused by stress. Negative thinking does not in itself cause anxiety disorder. It only causes the stress which causes anxiety disorder. Therefore, taking away negative thinking simply reduces this stress, which ALLOWS your mind to heal (notice I didn't say that it MAKES the mind heal). And this healing process takes time, which can vary from a few weeks to a few years.

The Melody of Rain
05-05-2008, 05:08 AM
The truth in its entirety; you are completely correct.

Questions please.

The Melody of Rain
05-05-2008, 05:48 AM
I don't think he/she took any illegal substance because that can make anxiety worse. Yes, you have to think you're way out of it, rational thinking, you really have to listen to Melody of Rain, part of the reason why I got cured of an actual 'Anxiety disorder' was listening to what ex-sufferers told me to do to get cured.

I definitely did not take an illegal substance in an effort to return to my present state. In January I was arrested for cannabis possession and that was the last time I used an illegal substance. I used cannabis to temporarily ease my symptoms. I used nothing but positive thought - although I couldn't think for a long time in order to exit the situation. As soon as I calmed myself down physically, my mind began to function at optimum competence and within three weeks of analyzing [destroying] each and every negative thought I was cured.

05-05-2008, 12:13 PM
Thanks for the advice Robbed. I'm making a real effort to keep busy, I did some stupid things when I had anxiety, but I did some stupid things before I had anxiety. So it's best to keep busy & not let the embarrassment it caused me get to me.

From what I've studied on the net, once you get cured from anxiety disorder, your mind becomes sort of immune to it, & you're cured for life. I may be wrong, I hope I'm not. But there's something called 'rebound' anxiety, which is what I had for a while, but it's gone now.

05-05-2008, 12:30 PM
I don't think you can be sure you are cure completely yet. I am having some periods of good feeling sometimes for a week sometimes more.

Of course I wish you were cured, just don't be so sure because if it comes back it can be bad surprise.

The Melody of Rain
05-06-2008, 09:43 AM
Personally, I'm sure I'm completely cured. My root cause was a lack of education which hurled me into an extended period of negative thinking which I trained my mind out of. That required willpower; which was, essentially, my cure.

Having said that, I'm still only gradually becoming familiar with living an anxiety free existence. It just feels so great to be able to get an idea into my head and give it a go devoid of over-focusing upon the potential of a negative outcome...to awake in the morning and actually be able to confidently leave the house without utterly shitting myself at the thought of people seeing me.

Goals achieved in the last three weeks: Made over ten new friends, set up a record label, signed my music project and am currently and confidently looking forward to both passing my exams and returning to collage at Septembers end to begin my second year.

Basically, there is no limit to what I can achieve. I mean, I've been waiting for this for six years...I feel like god.

05-06-2008, 02:39 PM
Melody of rain
You cannot start to believe were I have been with my problems,You could not believe the suffering it has caused my family and myself.If you went anywhere near as bad,you would'nt be able to come out with such remarks.I have been (to hell and back and back to hell) so dont start some sort of intelectual argument just because you can probably spell a bit better than I can.
This THING!!! has taken a big part of my life and you coming out with this sort of remark makes me more angry and paranoid than you can imagine.Infact if I met you in the street and you said this crap to me,I would probably go completley psycho.
I dont care if I get kicked off this forum for what I am saying: but you need to get in the real world of suffering,were you dont come out in 3 weeks.If you knew what real suffering was you would'nt come out with anyways to argue about this "SHIT".I would love you to come and say what you have written on this forum to my face. Because I WOULD RIP YOUR F**KIN HEAD OFF!!!!

The Melody of Rain
05-06-2008, 03:31 PM
Steve, its incredibly difficult for me understand when you wont actually tell me the nature of this "suffering". I'm trying to help, and you attempt to defile my thread by threatening violence and spouting personal attacks at me. What are you hoping to achieve? Calm down - its unnecessary.


And what would this be in reference to? The whole thread? Telling people I cured myself in three weeks after suffering for six years in hell myself and coming back to the forums to try to help them? In fairness man, its a bit ridiculous. You appear to have many more issues than strictly anxiety; and its no wonder your family has suffered.

Are you usually like this or have I just indirectly hit a nerve?

The Melody of Rain
05-06-2008, 03:53 PM
I'm not here to play pseudo-psychologist, or to 'rub it in', but you getting paranoid and quite obviously angry over my attempt at helping people is frankly disturbing...

The Melody of Rain
05-07-2008, 03:55 AM
...'rebound' anxiety...

How long did this last?

05-07-2008, 02:50 PM
Hi Melody of rain
The problems ,or at least some of them , are the physical ones.When your heart starts to go out of rythm,when you have these gained or missed beats and you cant breath,your body feels like you are crying from inside out,almost like when you hit your funny bone (elbow)but all over your body.Feeling like you do when you are being sick,as if you are going to die,but that happens all day.Headaches like some one has split your head open deep and keeps pouring salt into the wound and rubbing it.The pain goes beyond pain and goes into another dimension,almost like the pain is hurting in itself, having altered vision,feeling like your skeleton is being drawn out of your body,and somedays like it has turned to jelly.I feel constantly drunk,but not in a nice way (vertigo). Feeling of tiredness,like you cant control yourself.Terrible tempers (like you wouldnt believe) complete paranoia ( i spelt that wrong?)Try living like that for nearly 20 years,and then some one comes along saying that you can get better in 3 weeks. NO WAY!!!!

The Melody of Rain
05-07-2008, 05:18 PM
I have experienced all of these since I was thirteen years young (I am now 21 years young). I am still confident that they can all be cured by positive thinking ALONE.

I'm conducting an experiment here (http://www.blueprintstoparadise.tk) in the Psychological Phenomena forum if you or anyone else is willing to participate. I'll check back daily as I'm rebuilding my life day by day.

Spammers will be dealt with accordingly, so dont even bother an attempt as your efforts are futile.

05-08-2008, 02:20 AM
Try living like that for nearly 20 years,and then some one comes along saying that you can get better in 3 weeks. NO WAY!!!!

Remember what I said. Not everybody gets better in three weeks. In fact, the VAST majority of people don't - even when CBT skills are practiced to the best of one's ability. I honestly don't know how long it woud take for you to recover. But even if it takes five years for you to get over this thing, that's better than suffering with it for another 20 years (or more). So try to do something about this NOW. Try reading one of the Claire Weekes books, as I (and many here) have found the information REALLY helpful. Just be aware that it will MOST likely take you more than three weeks to recover. Then again, you probably already knew this.

The Melody of Rain
05-08-2008, 03:51 AM
I'll agree. What I'm attempting to say, is that it is possible to cure yourself within three weeks.

Furthermore, I do not believe that anxiety should be defined as an 'irrational fear'. I believe fear is always rational, regardless of what the victim is afraid of. There is always a cause.

05-08-2008, 11:47 AM
It took me 2 & a half months. I didn't want to do CBT so I went on the net & found out about ex-sufferers and did what they suggested to get better, & it worked. This 'rebound' anxiety Melody of Rain lasted 3 months. I still feel terrible though.

I'm thinking more positive now. Ironically I'm looking forward to a better life than one if I'd never suffered in the first place. Once I completely get over it (which I'm sure I will one day) I'll take advantage of opportunities in life which I never would've otherwise.

I shouldn't have had anxiety though, no-one should. It is a sad & lonely condition. A guy who used to go to the same mental clinic that I went to literally drank himself to death (a litre of vodka a day & the rest) because of anxiety.

To StevieH, the only thing I can say is that for the first 30 years of your life (judging by your posts) you didn't have anxiety, but you're still the same person, so what's to say you can't go back to being a non-anxious person again?

And to other people, stay strong.

The Melody of Rain
05-09-2008, 05:08 AM
It took me 2 & a half months. I didn't want to do CBT so I went on the net & found out about ex-sufferers and did what they suggested to get better, & it worked.

Thats actually exactly what I did. It took my brain about a month to completely relax and it took me three weeks to bring myself out of the depression via positive thinking; an impossible competence in my previously anxious manner. My short term memory is also improving by the day.

I still feel terrible though.

Are you still anxious?

05-09-2008, 06:33 AM
Hi Melody of Rain, have you managed to overcome the root causes of your anxiety then? If so, how did you do this? I have frequent episodes of anxiety, the latest of which is on its way out now, but they are always triggered by the same root causes. I know what these root causes but I don't think they have gone despite my anxiety having gone and I don't know that I can talk myself out of something that has been a fundamental part of me for my entire life. But then maybe I can - is this what has worked for you?

The Melody of Rain
05-09-2008, 07:04 AM
Hi Melody of Rain, have you managed to overcome the root causes of your anxiety then? If so, how did you do this? I have frequent episodes of anxiety, the latest of which is on its way out now, but they are always triggered by the same root causes. I know what these root causes but I don't think they have gone despite my anxiety having gone and I don't know that I can talk myself out of something that has been a fundamental part of me for my entire life. But then maybe I can - is this what has worked for you?

Good day to you joey9.
Indeed I did manage to overcome the root causes of my anxiety disorder. I did this by first establishing the root (negative thinking) and then destroyed its effects by thinking positively. This awoke my brain from its stress induced slumber and within 3 weeks I was cured. This was the method that worked for me, but in principle it can work for everyone. A thought:


Questions please.

05-09-2008, 07:35 AM

OK - here's mine:

1) My root = I am hypersensitive to disapproval/criticism/negative evaluation
2) My fears = Making mistakes/being responsible for something going wrong/doing something I later regret
3) The outcome = perfectionism/control freakery/lack of ambition for fear of responsibility/constant guilt about tiny things/thinking everything i do is rubbish because its not perfect leading to more guilt that i could have done better.

So I think if I could just desensitise myself to number '1' then I wouldn't live in such fear and be so vulnerable to new episodes. But I can't think of anything positive to say to myself about being disapproved of etc. etc.

I welcome your ideas.....

05-09-2008, 08:17 AM
Oh, and by the way, well done for sorting yourself out. You must feel GREAT.

The Melody of Rain
05-09-2008, 08:36 AM
1) My root = I am hypersensitive to disapproval/criticism/negative evaluation

This is because you are uncertain in your abilities, therefor you believe you are dependent on other peoples judgments to achieve self satisfaction. This means your cause is 'a lack of self confidence'. Confidence is a process which means it must be developed and cannot be adopted. I can guide you, if you ask.

2) My fears = Making mistakes/being responsible for something going wrong/doing something I later regret

Why do you fear making mistakes? Mistakes are supposed to happen, but not supposed to happen twice. In making a mistake, we learn from the relative incorrect action and put what we've learned through experience into practice. Mistakes will be made, but never duplicated. Mistakes = Lessons.

3) The outcome = perfectionism/control freakery/lack of ambition for fear of responsibility/constant guilt about tiny things/thinking everything i do is rubbish because its not perfect leading to more guilt that i could have done better.

Define perfection.

So I think if I could just desensitise myself to number '1' then I wouldn't live in such fear and be so vulnerable to new episodes.

This is indeed what you must do. You are now half way to being completely cured.

But I can't think of anything positive to say to myself about being disapproved of etc. etc.

If someone disapproves of you and you accept their failure to approve as fact, then you see your self in the same light as they do. Put it this way:

You're sitting alone in a room. Someone from outside shouts "That person sitting in the room is thinking about being outside.", but you're actually thinking about food, and you know this because ONLY you CAN know this. You are correct + They are not = Self Confidence

The Melody of Rain
05-09-2008, 08:37 AM
Oh, and by the way, well done for sorting yourself out. You must feel GREAT.

Thank you my friend.

I do. About everything. And you will too. I'll help you.

05-09-2008, 01:22 PM
I'm not feeling anxious as such now. I'm comfortable around people, & it's just getting over it & the problems it caused me.

This guy who I was telling you about, drank himself to death, terrible, terrible stuff. It still haunts me, & other problems it caused me still haunt me.

I don't feel anxious as such, it's just a case of getting over it. I've gotten over things before & felt happy & safe, so hopefully I'll get over anxiety.

05-09-2008, 03:26 PM
Melody of rain : To me you sound like one of these sad people that stands in the street, preaching the good or the right,dont get me wrong you sound like a very intelligent person,but to me personally because I feel so ill and have lost so much of my life because of this,remember 17 years is nearly your life time so far!
To me you sound like some sort of (preaching maniac) and if you could cure me or I could cure myself from what you say I would give you my life savings,but I am sorry IT DONT WORK THAT WAY!! my problems are now too deep and physical and has got to much of a hold.I have had almost more counselling in the last 17 years than you are of age. I will admit I have had the occassional good period, but only for very short breaks. So as far as I can see, I have no belief in anything that you say or do!

The Melody of Rain
05-10-2008, 02:22 PM
Melody of rain : To me you sound like one of these sad people that stands in the street, preaching the good or the right,dont get me wrong you sound like a very intelligent person,but to me personally because I feel so ill and have lost so much of my life because of this,remember 17 years is nearly your life time so far!
To me you sound like some sort of (preaching maniac) and if you could cure me or I could cure myself from what you say I would give you my life savings,but I am sorry IT DONT WORK THAT WAY!! my problems are now too deep and physical and has got to much of a hold.I have had almost more counselling in the last 17 years than you are of age. I will admit I have had the occassional good period, but only for very short breaks. So as far as I can see, I have no belief in anything that you say or do!

Based on your current attitude, you'll never be cured. You're a pessimist. Until you begin thinking optimistically no one can help you. The paradox some people encounter when trying to think positively is that they have been thinking negatively for so long (stressed for so long) that their brain is currently incapable of achieving that demand...thats why you need to consult ex-sufferers...not insult ex-sufferers.


There's a split meaning involved here. Are you speaking of the emotion? If so, you're wrong. I have never felt happier in my entire life. I feel even happier than before those six years of misery. Because of optimistic thinking, I thought my way out of agoraphobia, major depression and severe anxiety; and I will remain a happy, confident, productive and sociable individual. Because of negative thinking, you will remain as you are. If not, clarify further. This is an international forum, meaning slang is rarely understood by the majority.


Based on what? My vocabulary? A sound memory is a disgraceful measure of intelligence. Intelligence is most accurately measured upon ones ability to claw ones way out of hell.

05-11-2008, 04:04 AM
my problems are now too deep and physical and has got to much of a hold.

Let me tell you something. One time I was driving through the mountains, and my car started having all kinds of weird electrical problems. I managed to get it home. But it kept on doing all this stuff while I was driving my car for work. I tried replacing stuff like the battery and alternator later on. But that didn't seem to help. To make matters worse, the battery was starting to be drained alot of the time, and I had to push start the car. Finally, when poking around, I noticed that the ground wire to the transmission case was loose. I cleaned the wire, started the car, and everything was OKAY. The battery charged up again. The car would actually start. And the headlights and instrument panel lights were no longer flickering.

So what does this mean? It means that problems that seem so 'deep seated' and physical are not necessarily as serious as they seem. And when it comes to anxiety, they never are. Remember that those intense physical and emotional feelings are merely the result of a high-stress state. And reducing your levels of stress is somewhat equivalent to fixing the aforementioned ground problem. You need to start by accepting your symptoms as nothing more than SYMPTOMS OF STRESS. By doing this, you can reduce your levels of stress, even if only by a little bit at first. But every little bit counts. As you lower your levels of stress, your symptoms will gradually disappear.

When your overall anxiety is lower, you can start to deal with some of those 'root causes'. Just keep in mind that this will all take time - most likely longer than three weeks. Also, it is generally a good idea to bring your anxiety levels down significantly before dealing with root causes. After all, anxiety typically clouds the mind, which distracts you from your real root causes. And when anxiety is REALLY high, the root causes might be the last thing on your mind. SO don't feel like you MUST deal with your root causes RIGHT AWAY in order to deal with your anxiety. Doing so can get you into trouble. AND, feeling like they MUST be dealt with ASAP only causes additional stress, as you already have alot on your plate to begin with.

I have had almost more counselling in the last 17 years than you are of age.

You know what I always say about therapists. The VAST MAJORITY of them are utterly useless. In fact, they can actually make things worse.

05-11-2008, 02:31 PM
Hi again
At the end of the day I dont accept 100% that my symptoms all come from anxiety, so maybe thats why I just cant believe!!! Ive had many tests over the years, but I just wish somebody could plug themselves into my body for just one day and see how I feel,it's just unbelievable!!I have tried so many things over the years that I think now my mind is giving up,and yes I am a pessimist, because every day no matter what I do this thing is playing with my life.I may be out shopping with my family,having a good time ,Then BANG,I have one of these things in my chest and I am up and running.Where do you go? DONT KNOW???? the day is spoilt , yet again.Then the next day I feel so unsteady I can hardly walk properly. I bought a motorcycle and have hardly ridden it because I feel so unwell. I dread things like xmas,although I have to make the best for my kids,BUT! I have to
In my mind I am sorry but you just CANT understand how? severe my problems are.Thats why I dont believe anything that people like yourself tell me. In my mind now,this is my life and maybe I did something wrong in a past life and I am being repaid for it,BUT there is only one way out, BUT I DONT WANT THAT WAY!! I have too much to live for.

Just Breathe
05-11-2008, 07:26 PM
Stevie H I definitely know how you feel. It is very hard to hear advice from someone who was "cured" in three weeks, especially if you have been dealing with anxiety for so long. I am not pessimistic in any way but for myself I know there are a lot more steps and it's going to be a lifetime of learning for me to cope with my anxiety. Anxiety never goes away, but I believe we all can get to a point of being able to manage it. Everyone gets anxious, it's just that we are more easy affected by it, whether it be from emotional issues, current situations or genetic odds.
I think what Melody of Rain is saying is very helpful, it's always good to hear that a person can overcome something, especially as difficult as anxiety. Melody thank you for your encouraging words and your ambission to really want to make a difference for people dealing with this disorder.

For me personally, dealing with anxiety is a day by day situation. Sometimes I feel fine, others I can barely make it through the day without feeling like I am going crazy. What has been most beneficial to me is not only medication and counseling (which was prescribed by my doctor for my situation) but also speaking to others. I am completely open about my anxiety and it has been surprising how many others (even close friends) deal with this in one way or another. It always makes you feel better when you know you're not the only one going through a tough time.
I wish you all the best!

05-12-2008, 12:11 AM
At the end of the day I dont accept 100% that my symptoms all come from anxiety, so maybe thats why I just cant believe!!!

Part of the problem with acceptance is that MOST people seem to believe that it is something you have to do in a snap. In other words, for whatever reason, most people seem to think that if they can't flick on perfect, 100% acceptance like a light switch, then it is not possible. The fact is that acceptance should be looked at as a goal rather than something you MUST have RIGHT NOW. Only by practicing it to the best of your ability for some time can acceptance come about. And the time it takes varies from person to person. But it generally takes MUCH longer than you think should be necessary.

Punk Rock Steve
05-12-2008, 11:53 AM
This has been a VERY interesting thread for me. To The Melody Of Rain...I respect that you found a way to beat the anxiety that was ailing you in just 3 short weeks...you must be one of the blessed...it must be some sort of miracle. However, I come from the same exact mold that StevieH comes from (though we're from two opposite ends of the Atlantic Ocean), and there is NO WAY IN HELL :evil: that I could overcome the panic, anxiety, depression, that I've had for AT LEAST 30 years! I used to drink a real lot and that used to ease it. Eventually that self-medication didn't help and now after 7+ years sober, my anxiety is "full steam ahead". Granted, I have not been "Mr. Positive" most of my life, but I just can't think it away...life gets busier as I get older and at 54 years old, I'm just plain pooped out all the time...from life and from the anxiety/panic. If I had the time to meditate every day, I surely would, but one can't do things like that when you're going through life at warp speed. Just like there's no complete cure for alcoholism, I don't think there's a "complete cure" for anxiety...just ways to cope with it to varying degrees...just my opinion....and since I'm new on here, I might just be talking out of my ass :) To StevieH: Once again, I know how you feel....

The Melody of Rain
05-12-2008, 06:31 PM
I think what Melody of Rain is saying is very helpful, it's always good to hear that a person can overcome something, especially as difficult as anxiety. Melody thank you for your encouraging words and your ambission to really want to make a difference for people dealing with this disorder.

Thanking you JustBreath, it means a great deal to me that you appreciate my efforts. And I mean, I just want to reassure people - not delude them. I have further thoughts, but they're not coming to me now because its rather late in Ireland and I'm becoming tired, however I will revisit this topic at some point tomorrow evening. Some of you may take great benefit from this (http://video.stumbleupon.com/#p=ly4gn7pj3f), as I have done. I believe its some where in the region of an hour to an hour and a half in length. Its about positive thinking. I believe every word of it.

05-13-2008, 03:17 AM
Well, a few things I have noticed when reading all the threads in this topic is that I feel connected with alot of you people without even knowing you because we all have simu atributes in the ways we think.

StevieH, I think that you have panic disorder which just comes on without being able to control it correct? This is the same thing Earl Campbell has.

I kinda get what melody is talking about, but its alot easier said then done. I first had a anxiety attack in high school after smoking a joint, it scared the living hell out of me, prob the scariest was the depersonlization that you feel right afterwards; at least that was the scariest part for me because everything seemed unreal. After going home and sleeping it off; i did return to normal...

Thats the catch though, I had a reason behind the attack, years later, I had another attack riding in a car with my girl friend; same feeling as when i smoked the joint, this time it was different though, i had no reason behind the attack; the only thing I can pin it on now is stress, i really thought it was the bright sun that caused it and this almost caused me to become agoraphobic. I have not had another panic attack since then, over 10 years ago, but i still have anxiety, some days worse then others. my problem is the fear of having another attack and trust me, i have came close and stilll have those days where i feel it coming.

So basically, i feel like i have been running for over 10 years from this, you get tired of fighting. I take xanax now and smoke alot to deal with what i call scary thoughts that can overwhelm you and run off with your imagination, I have always been creative and this prob is some of the root causes of my disorder, I do not wanna tell you some of the irrational thoughts because some of you may take them on as your own fear; one thing that i have noticed though is if you can fight through the irrational fear, it eventually fades and no longer effects you. For example I was reading something on the web and developed this fear of falling, just the thought started to make me anxious and it started to make me nervous, this is obviously just a though that manifested into something more, but over time, i just told myself its a thought, not real. The problem with thoughts are that the mind can get scared and cause real physical symptoms that can become hard to controll on a dime. I got a fear of being in open spaces becasue i feel like i might float off out of my body or something, again, just another scary thought. My question to Melody is, did you have scary thoughts? Also, i am the same person now as i was back then, how come I can not have the short term memory that i did when having the attack from smoking a joint? this is more like a long term memory thing that my mind will not forget? perhaps you brainwashed yourself back to the old you?

The Melody of Rain
05-13-2008, 06:22 PM
Good Evening, nice to meet you. Hopefully this makes sense, its rather late here. Yes, I had a myriad of terrifying thoughts throughout my anxious bout, and it was these that prolonged my anxiety. I had to begin to think logically about them, which enabled me to confront them and see them for what they were: illogical. Granted, this is easier said than done. I first had to calm myself down physically, which was really only possible when I realised I wasn't going to prison for three years (arrested for cannabis and knife possession, but the cannabis was dropped as its decriminalised here...still on probation, but however). I think that gave me a bit of a kick up the aule posterior in relation to worry. I still wasn't entirely cured though, but I had the energy to give it another shot. I mean, prison with an anxiety disorder? Shit stuff. Anyway, it gave me a bit of a...brain boost. I was able to look back upon how lucky I was and that was the one positive thought I needed. I just needed one to wake my brain up; one to focus on; one to get me the hell out of that deep, deep dark hole. With that, I was able to relax...sorry, I suppose its all coming back to me now...I was able to relax enough for my physical symptoms to ease slightly (only slightly) and for my brain to wake up a little and allow me to think more positively about other areas of life. I basically continued on focusing on the positive, and within a few weeks I was feeling better than ever. Here I am now...I've never felt better. I'm due back in court tomorrow with my probation officer, but I'm completely relaxed about it because I'm thinking positively about it, an ability those currently en-veiled in the haze of anxiety are incapable of doing because their judgments are clouded, and understandably so. Thats why you need something really positive to happen to you.

Although the majority of your post was very well worded I cant make out some of the questions you have posed to me at the end which is probably due to my tiredness and no fault of your own. In relation to short term memory issues, are you asking me why you cant have a properly functioning short term memory with anxiety?

My apologies if I'm not making sense, I'm beginning to fall asleep here. If you need me to clarify on anything I'd be more than delighted to do so tomorrow evening as I am well experienced in this area...unfortunately...

Take it easy.

05-13-2008, 08:00 PM
shame on you man, you're old enough to be wiser and well mannered.
If you couldn't make it don't envy others when they succeeded.

05-13-2008, 08:17 PM
shame on you man, you're old enough to be wiser and well mannered.
If you couldn't make it don't envy others when they succeeded.

We certainly don't need shame here. Isn't there enough shame in this world? Besides, shame is a big part of what got ALOT of us here in this whole mess in the first place.

On the other hand, one thing that I think StevieH REALLY needs to overcome is his hot-headedness. This is about the most counterproductive thing in the world when it comes to recovery.

05-13-2008, 09:08 PM
We certainly don't need shame here. Isn't there enough shame in this world? Besides, shame is a big part of what got ALOT of us here in this whole mess in the first place.

but we also don't need statements like this:

If you knew what real suffering was you would'nt come out with anyways to argue about this "SHIT".I would love you to come and say what you have written on this forum to my face. Because I WOULD RIP YOUR F**KIN HEAD OFF!!!!

this post should be removed to be honest by moderator and warning sent to poster. Where we are, in the bar???

05-14-2008, 02:52 PM
Hi Motif
SORRY!!! if I have offended you in any way,but this anger was coming out at the beggining of this thread.YES!! sure I am hot headed and have had to go to this so called ANGER MANAGEMENT about 3 times. but you cant judge me on this,its a few nasty words. I dont know your story,but if you had the slightest idea of what I have gone through you would not make remarks about speaking out,at the end of the day, dont you ever get that FED UP!!! with things (Hope that is not to heavy for you)that you just cant believe it when people come along like this and start trying to tell you that things like this work. I have been to places you would'nt dream existed in my head. I have had to take things like Halperidol.Lithium,Carbamazapine etc,etc,etc. If you want to get rid of me from the forum, so be it!! I know I shouldnt use bad language,but dont you ever get to that stage when you just cant stand much more, and people come along with this sort of stuff.
WHATS your story then Motif?

The Melody of Rain
05-14-2008, 04:45 PM
I'd doubt many people actually get offended by 'bad language' or 'swearing/cursing', but I'm sure they'd get offended by you threatening to rip their heads off. If I offered to help you in person, would you really rip my head off? Because to be honest with you Stevie, I don't think you'd even be able to look me in the eye considering the severity of your state.

Ninety-nine percent of the members of Anxiety Forum are in hell man, not just you. I don't think you should be banned, but I do think you need to recogise right from wrong because you'll end up in prison if you don't, and they wont give a fuck if you have an anxiety disorder or not.

05-15-2008, 02:27 AM
Melody of rain
I just cant be bothered to argue anymore with you on this one BUT hey you dont know if Ive been somewhere like prison already.I understand totally were you are coming from with that one,and I dont care how bad I was feeling, I could still look you in the eye if I met you,because when your mind and body get so bad you get to the stage were you just dont care anymore!! If you met me my appearance would probably be quite daunting,but I can be a very nice person until some one pisses me off.
All the best for the future

The Melody of Rain
05-15-2008, 02:58 AM
cant be bothered to argue anymore

Well thank god for that. You cant argue with me anyway man, only with yourself. I think everyone can be a very nice person until someone pisses them off, but the technique you need to develop is to recognize when someone is attempting to piss you off and deal with it in a verbal manner. As much as we may want to punch someone as hard as possible, there exists too many risks.

All the best for the future

Thank you, and likewise.

05-15-2008, 03:33 AM
but I'm sure they'd get offended by you threatening to rip their heads off. If I offered to help you in person, would you really rip my head off? Because to be honest with you Stevie, I don't think you'd even be able to look me in the eye considering the severity of your state.

I've worked pizza delivery before. And one thing that I can tell you is that people behave quite differently on the phone vs face to face. Someone can be VERY rude and threatening on the phone. But if you come face to face with them, things are VERY different. With the internet, things like this become even MORE extreme. After all, someone in the UK (like StevieH) could threaten me all they want. But since I live in California (~7000 miles away), nothing could ever possibly become of this. This knowledge tends to allow people to say things that they would NEVER say face to face.

As for StevieH, I think he is simply venting frustration and 'crying out for help' here. And this is why I (as a moderator) did not delete the post. It is only if this sort of thing continues that I would take such action.

05-15-2008, 07:47 AM
Thanks Robbed
I know what you mean about the telephone thing.I suffer with road rage and tempers because of my illness,and its the same when someone in a car gives you a load of verbal and you get out of the car to them (which unfortnately I often do) they get scared because when they are locked in there little tin box they think they are indistructable and can do what they want ,but cant back it up if they have too. Im sorry for any offence I've caused to anyone,and not making any excuses,I am low at the moment having these strange heartbeats I mentioned all the time . I feel very frustrated because no matter what I try to do,they never go away and I feel constant pain and illness.

The Melody of Rain
05-15-2008, 08:12 AM
Thats quite alright Stevie, you certainly havent offended me and I completely understand. I appreciate your kindness.

The Melody of Rain
05-19-2008, 07:14 PM
Anyway, moving swiftly on...can anyone else establish their root?

06-05-2008, 11:31 PM
any chance I can talk to you about your method? Please respond if u can...

06-06-2008, 05:08 AM
I am in agreement with chaseryder!

In regard to establishing the root...>_>' I have had this worry/anxiety for a while, and I can't establish a root. It could be biological, as my father is a worrier and my mother gets depression. However, I'm certainly not going to blame the severity of it on that :P I totally agree with you that negative thoughts create the problem. It's just really hard to struggle through them and push them aside. The thoughts are just *there* >_<

I do find excercise/relaxation methods help, as I am doing something
productive; therefore I feel that I am making some sort of progress when I do this!

06-06-2008, 09:43 AM
well i been dealing with anxiety for about 5 years...have tried all the drugs, tried dealing with it without em, tried various programs didn't work out...I am a very spiritually open minded person...i picked up meditation a year ago after being introduced to it by a friend from Taiwan...It does help to releax...he even claimed that it is what cured his mental problems...I still have a hard time getting over the hump...any social interactions make me feel uneasy, even if its with my mother! It has gotten worse...

I believe it all started with anxiety with females...I used to get really nervous around them...then my perfectionism jumped in when I had severe skin problems, and couldn't resolve them...went on a powerful acne drug called accutane which i dont think helped me out mentally or physically...l developed a few other problems, and ever since have always had a negative outlook towards life...your approach is interesting and the past 3 days i have been keeping my chin up and looking at the positive aspects of my life...

I am in great shape, I did pick up body building and do have a great body.l..I also am an attractive looking kid with the exception of some skin discoloration...I am funny, smart, and do have musical apptitude...I have a lot going for me, but as the early poster said, I am still having a struggle with the root. It could be a number of things.

From what I believe...

Root = Hypersensitive to critisism/always think people view my negatively/extreme perfectionism---never satisfied...illogical thinking...thinking aobut the past, and what I SHOULD HAVE DONE/NOT DONE (regarding to the acne drug)
This makes me---angry person, depressed (I guess at times), argumentative, jelous, negatively talking about other people,

Now should I logically think this through? Any advice would greatly be appreciated...if you possibly have SKYPE, it would be great to tlak with you rather than type...my wrists dont seem to appreciate the keyboard all that much...



The Melody of Rain
06-07-2008, 05:39 AM
Good Day :]

Just thought I'd post a message to say I've looked over some of the recent posts on this topic and I'll add my input this evening. I've actually been away for awhile and I've just returned, but I've been feeling so good lately that I completely forgot about AnxietyForum all together...thats how good I've been feeling. I'll come back at about 10:30pm IST and add my thoughts, and I also have PM's to send to relevent people who have messaged me for help/advice. I just have no time at present.

Take care and I'll be back this evening.

06-07-2008, 08:56 AM
I can feel what your saying...I really really want to talk to you...is there any chance you use skype? Or can possibly download it? If you haven't heard of it, it is a free online phone/messaging service for all over the world...It is real cool...can't wait to hear from u

06-07-2008, 04:02 PM
chaseryder: yeah I share some of the same aspects as you do.

Root = Hypersensitive to critisism/always think people view my negatively/extreme perfectionism---never satisfied...illogical thinking...thinking aobut the past, and what I SHOULD HAVE DONE/NOT DONE (regarding to the acne drug)
This makes me---angry person, depressed (I guess at times), argumentative, jelous, negatively talking about other people,

Though I don't get angry. I do think that all these aspects are related to anxiety, as everything seems to be all intermingled in my opinion. For example, I think that the fact that I worry and get anxious over everything affects me in many ways, making me a jealous person, very defensive, worrying about what people think etc. After all, isn't a lack of self confidence part of the problem in most cases?
Sorry if this isn't making a huge amount of sense, as I am typing things as they come into my head. That's a great thing about this forum; it makes u think about things more carefully, as you have to type them out :P

06-07-2008, 04:13 PM
I feel what hes saying...even after these past few days I have felt like a new person, i have a ways to go but I am so eager to hear from you...

06-08-2008, 08:44 PM

I’ve been following this thread for a while now and I’ve decided to add my own thoughts to the discussion.

This debate all started when ‘Melody of Rain’ proclaimed that “Three weeks ago I had a disorder comprised of anxiety and major depression. Today, I do not”

When ‘Melody of Rain’ was asked (to his ‘delight’) how he did this, the answer was simple ‘factual analysis and relaxation’

Although, in his own words, he hasn’t come on here to play ‘pseudo-psychologist’ he even broke down this process into a simple-to-follow plan that worked for him in ‘three weeks’ (apparently).

It’s as follows:

A) Establish the root cause of your anxiety
B) Examine the negative thought this evokes
C) Eradicate it via positive thinking

To ‘Melody of Rain’ this seems, to him at least, to be some sort of break-through – something so earth-shattering when it comes to the treatment of anxiety that he’s even created a ‘COMPLETLEY CURED’ thread to share it with us, in which he plays de facto councillor and we all crown round and ask questions. To others it is known as CBT.

At times ‘Melody of Rain’ has almost been evangelical about his ‘new’ solution;

”At present, I'm back tracking through the pivotal thought process that ushered forth my liberation”

And at others, delusional;

“You're sitting alone in a room. Someone from outside shouts "That person sitting in the room is thinking about being outside.", but you're actually thinking about food, and you know this because ONLY you CAN know this. You are correct + They are not = Self Confidence”

And then occasionally just bizarre;

“Intelligence is most accurately measured upon ones ability to claw ones way out of hell.”

Not to metnion patronising;

"Why do you fear making mistakes? Mistakes are supposed to happen, but not supposed to happen twice. In making a mistake, we learn from the relative incorrect action and put what we've learned through experience into practice. Mistakes will be made, but never duplicated. Mistakes = Lessons. "

It’s no surprise to me then that this ‘attitude’ has provoked such strong reactions from other users on the site, in particular Stevie H.

(A person that’s been tormented by this condition for years being told by a 21 year old college student that the only reason they’re not cured yet is because, in effect, he hasn’t “tried hard enough” or “listened to him”.)

We are all very happy that you are now cured of anxiety ‘Melody of Rain’ and your ‘methods’ certainly are very interesting.

Maybe you’ll consider publishing a paper on you discoveries – possibly backed-up by the research you’re ‘conducting’ in Psychological Phenomena?

But I can’t help being sceptical. And it’s my guess that this thread, to you, serves me than just a need to be altruistic but a desire to gain attention that’s almost Narcissistic in nature.

You know what helps me with my anxiety? Counselling with a trained professional, medication and self-help books written by an actual Psychologist – not the ‘wise words’ of young man currently on probation for drug violations and knife crime.

I hope you can convince me otherwise.

06-08-2008, 10:00 PM
wow man, you obviously are trapped in the cycle. Dealing with it long enough, I understand the negativity it envokes. It captures and suffocates you, until you feel it impossible.

Well I am speaking on my own experience, that I HAVE experienced what he has said. I am breathing again, I feel it. I have been trying different methods, "natural" remedies, meditation. I have always had an open mind to the idea that it is in our way of thinking, and that stress definitely has an impact, if not, the main reason of why we are subjected to such an ugly distortion of the brain. Some are deeper than others, and can't find a way out which is understandable. Yet my experience, away from anxiety, I have been in a deep hole with many other troubling issues. Life is tough, but anything is possible, especially if you put your mind to it. Melody is totally right here, no matter how skeptical you may feel. I have been a week at this and I feel like a new person. I have been dealing with this bs for over 5 years, and I know how it feels. But for once, without the use of meds, I have followed what he has advised, and I have never felt better in my life. My mind is clear, I can form sentences for once, and I am enjoying and appreciate the existence of my life. I feel it. I am sorry that you can't.

Thanks Melody,

I am your number one supporter.

06-10-2008, 05:21 AM
I don't think that's what HM is saying - he isn't trying to say that this problem is impossible to overcome.

I was also surprised when Melody of Rain announced that it only took 3 weeks. Despite being sceptical, I have taken account of what he has to say, and he has given support to many of the people in this thread - including myself. However, he has yet to inform us of the actual methods he used? Or was is just the positive thinking, and analysing the root of the problem that did it?

No disrespect, Melody of Rain; you have a lot to offer this forum!

06-10-2008, 05:26 AM
Some people can be trapped in anxiety for a long time and it can lift away suddenly. Others may take a long time to recover, and some will never fully recover. Some only suffer anxiety during a stressful period, or their teenage years. Some suffer for a lifetime.
Every person is different, which is why there is no single cause-effect-treatment that is the same for everyone, in just the same way that drugs have different effects on everyone.
Therefore, Melody of Rain, you should be very careful in how you approach these issues for other people. I completely understand Steve's anger.
At the same time I don't think Melody of Rain is being malicious in his post at all, I think he has come out of anxiety very quickly and has surprised himself with the sudden ease of it. He wants to share it with us. Good for him! Understand it can be like that, but often it is not.
It is hard to be positive when suffering so badly like as Steve describes - it's like trying everything and nothing works, getting stuck in a negative loop, putting up with it every day. I really hope people who suffer badly can come out of it, one way or another. But understand, every person does this in their own way. Nobody in this thread is right or wrong, just remember to take extra care when posting like a miracle has occurred! For most people, it does NOT work this way.

06-10-2008, 08:06 PM
Some people can be trapped in anxiety for a long time and it can lift away suddenly. Others may take a long time to recover, and some will never fully recover. Some only suffer anxiety during a stressful period, or their teenage years. Some suffer for a lifetime.
Every person is different, which is why there is no single cause-effect-treatment that is the same for everyone, in just the same way that drugs have different effects on everyone.
Therefore, Melody of Rain, you should be very careful in how you approach these issues for other people. I completely understand Steve's anger.

It IS true that every case of anxiety disorder is a little different. BUT, for MOST people with anxiety disorder, the condition is temporary. It will likely last from a few months to several years. And recovery will be gradual, but complete. Cases where anxiety is lifelong are actually quite rare. This is something that people should keep in mind when anxiety strikes. After all, SO many people get REALLY scared and REALLY trapped in anxiety disorder because of the VERY strong fear that anxiety disorder is inescapable. And unfortunately, most doctors and therapists seem to be all too willing to fan the flames of this fear by telling you that anxiety disorder IS permanent (maybe because they never actually SEE a person recover completely - the sufferer gives up on professional treatment before recovery). But most of the time, it isn't. This is especially true when anxiety disorder strikes later in life and/or as the result of stress.

06-15-2008, 03:15 AM
Having read this most interesting thread, and having myself sufferes from very severe panic disorder, please allow me to share some thoughts...

Panic disorder (as opposed to generalized anxiety disorder) is such an awful condition that it simply can not be appreciated by those who do not experience it (or whom do not experience it regulary)
I would truly doubt that any medical doctor or psychiatrist not experiencing this personally could even begin to understand how frightening and disabling this condition is.

My own attacks are very bad.
My breathing get's all weird, I have painful chest spasms, my head hurts, my heart beats erratically and sometimes painfully, I get extremely dizzy to the point where I'm about ready to pass-out.
Usually, nothing I'm experiencing seems real (such as talking with someone or just being somewhere)

Mostly becuase of the chest pains, heart irregularity, breathing problems and a sense of losing conciousness, I often feel that I am about ready to die.
Excuse my French, but going through that is a real bitch.

It's like torture.

It feels like being thrown into the middle of a battlefied with no protection, no weapons, and a sense of certain impending death.

I feel for everyone who experiences this, because I hate it. Hopefully someday I will find an answer.

06-15-2008, 03:57 AM
For myself, I should note that I have scheduled an appointment with my doctor to look at my high blood presssure. 179/109 is not good from what I hear.

Hypertension and clinical anxiety is a bad combination, as it can lead to stroke or even death.

For those, like myself, who suffer from extreme anxiety... GET YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE UNDER CONTROL! VERY IMPORTANT!

High blood-pressure and high anxiety can be fatal.

The Melody of Rain
06-16-2008, 09:55 AM
Hello HM :] My opinion upon your negative 'thoughts on this discussion' is as follows...

Both moronically blind-sighted and utterly incorrect. I will now justify my statement.

You read like a Tabloid Journalist. Pseudo-Journalism is actually NOT a good thing...especially if it was unintentional, as you most definitely would have predictably claimed had I not written this sentence. In fact, your 'argument' is indeed so cliched, that the fundamental strategies that comprise it are merely irrelevant cheap shots at my educational background, legal history and attempted aid in an effort to 'expose' a non-existent hidden agenda. How boring and tired of you. You'd make anyone anxious.

I will now address the quite frankly extraneous points you have raised - only to counter whatever poison you have attempted to taint my good name with and to guide you - then I will move on to matters of direct relevance to the issue we had been discussing before your attempt.

In making my initial statement of "Three weeks ago I had a disorder comprised of anxiety and major depression. Today, I do not”, my intent was for people to actually ask. After I was asked, I went on to explain that one must question the reasons behind why they're anxious. This was my first piece of advice. If you do not think this helps or you do not understand it, that's perfectly acceptable. Many others do.
Indeed, and as now twice previously stated (once in the name of relevance and most recently in the name quite the contrary ;) I was in fact on probation for drug violation (self medicating my anxiety with marijuana) and for possession of a knife (a souvenir I bought on a trip in Auschwitz last year whilst researching for an article, and whilst returning home from collecting my research materials that I lent to a fellow journalism student, was searched by police. The knife was amongst the items, and I just had to go through the rel event routines in order to prove my innocence :). Justice was served and I was found not guilty. I know this particular fact to be irrelevant in terms of what advice I have to give in relation to conquering my anxiety. I doubt you can convince me or intelligent others otherwise. You can of course, try...

This debate all started when ‘Melody of Rain’ proclaimed that “Three weeks ago I had a disorder comprised of anxiety and major depression. Today, I do not”

When ‘Melody of Rain’ was asked (to his ‘delight’) how he did this, the answer was simple ‘factual analysis and relaxation’

Ugh, you're one of those people. Why do you feel the need to state the blatant?
Those of us paying attention knew this, therefor it would be of great benefit to you to follow suit. Repetition only makes you appear distracted.

Although, in his own words, he hasn't come on here to play ‘pseudo-psychologist’ he even broke down this process into a simple-to-follow plan that worked for him in ‘three weeks’ (apparently).

It’s as follows:

A) Establish the root cause of your anxiety
B) Examine the negative thought this evokes
C) Eradicate it via positive thinking

To ‘Melody of Rain’ this seems, to him at least, to be some sort of break-through – something so earth-shattering when it comes to the treatment of anxiety that he’s even created a ‘COMPLETLEY CURED’ thread to share it with us, in which he plays de facto councillor and we all crown round and ask questions. To others it is known as CBT.

Are you able to explain why you think it seems to me, 'at least, to be some sort of break-through' and why you yourself think this is 'so earth-shattering when it comes to the treatment of anxiety'? If at all possible, my all means give it a bash. I certainly never said this. You'll also need to concisely explain your usage of referring to me as a 'de facto councillor'. I also require that you firstly explain why you 'crown around me' (because I do not feel I deserve this) and why you say this about other members of the forum also. You're almost verging on slander, HM. Almost ;)

My intentions are certainly not to patronise. I did not have to return to Anxiety-Forum in order to try and help the still afflicted, but I did so out of the kindness of my own heart, out of consideration and out of my own want to help people, which I pride myself upon and will maintain no shame in my admission of it.

In order for one to make sense of your use of this word, you'll definitely have to explain why you used it in reference to the quoted text. Do to think I'm evangelical? Why?

What exactly is so 'bizarre' about this? Are you entirely sure about the definition of this word?

How exactly so? All you have done here, is quote my thoughts and made a statement bereft of justification...it appears as if you're trying to dictate and manipulate the opinions of others.

Once more, and for the final time, I will explain my being here. I am honestly only trying to help you. There is no 'malice' involved...*laughs*. I have come back to explain to current sufferers that I was once like you, but have cured myself by means of positive thinking and relaxation within the space of three weeks. I am not claiming that EVERYONE can be cured within the same time-frame, but I am willing to answer whatever questions I can in relation to this. I'll return to this topic directly after I finish writing the remainder of my replies to those who took the time to PM me in seek of advice and guidance.

Good Afternoon.

PS: Regarding PM's, I'd just like to mention that I've responded to two so far this afternoon, and I'll be responding to the other two this evening.

06-16-2008, 07:26 PM
Hi MR,

I think your own writing is more suited to that of a tabloid newspaper. In fact, your advice and ‘guidance’ is on a par with that from the ‘Dear Deidre’ pages of The Sun.

Fingers crossed, you’re degree course in journalism could lead to something similar.

You do indeed sound ‘evangelical’, and the reason I quoted that particular sentence was to demonstrate, that, at the very least, you share the same rhetoric.

‘Ushered forth my liberation’? You’re so ardent and over-zealous about this ‘three step plan’ that you almost sound like a gospel preacher. That was what I was trying to express. That was why I used the word ‘evangelical’.

Next. My use of the word ‘bizarre’ in response to your statement that;

“Intelligence is most accurately measured upon ones ability to claw ones way out of hell.”

I’m entirely sure I know the definition of this word; the more appropriate question would be to ask yourself - ‘Are you entirely sure you know the definition of the word intelligence?

I was under the opinion that ‘intelligence’ is most ‘accurately’ measured by IQ tests or what-not and that metaphorically being able to ‘crawl ones way out of hell’ demonstrated virtues such as determination and belief, not how clever you are.

You also asked;

Are you able to explain (…..) why you yourself think this is 'so earth-shattering when it comes to the treatment of anxiety'?

I don’t, I’m afraid MR. I thought I made this clear in my original post. I know you didn’t use this precise phrase to describe it yourself, but you obviously believe you providing unique guidance that can’t be found anywhere else.

You also said you cured yourself in ‘3 weeks’ – if this is true (?) – It would actually be a ‘breakthrough’. I’ve never heard of people being ‘cured’ that quickly – you must have something special.

I never suggested there was any ‘malice’ intended, nor did I try and taint your ‘good name’ (lol). I just found your posts irritating, that’s all, and they way you word them comes across as arrogant.

I apologise for mentioning your run in with the law. I didn’t realise you where caught with a pen knife and a bit of weed for self-medication – you certainly aren’t the hardcore criminal I imagined.

Anyway, I don’t want to get into a silly little argument with you. I don’t have the time – I’m not a student like yourself.

I also do not see the point, as all your response did was quibble over my use of words (next you’ll be advising me in my spelling), rather than actually ‘convince me otherwise’ like I asked.

If you could explain to me in-depth what exactly your ‘approach’ is without going all ‘Tim Robbins’ on me, then I’d be willing to listen.

It seems you just want to make this a battle of the
‘black and white’ - you obviously pride yourself on you pros being a wannabe journo and all - however I’m not game.

If you want to have a grown-up discussion about it, let me know.

The Melody of Rain
06-19-2008, 06:01 AM
Fantastic :]

I could write out a thousand word post explaining the faults in your discourse, but I doubt it would make a difference as you'd probably just consider me taking a personal bash at you. I will not involve myself in your negativity.

What I will do, is comment on the few statements of relevance you've actually made. In the process, I'll talk in whatever way I see fit. If that makes me, in your opinion, sound 'arrogant' (lol), tough.


If you consider being cured in three weeks a breakthrough, you may as well consider being cured in six weeks a breakthrough too. In my case, it took me three weeks to calm myself down, and a further three to face the situations that had previously made me anxious. After that, I was completely cured. A breakthrough? In your opinion. Personally I don't know enough anxiety sufferers to actually claim that as fact, but if thats what you think, thats absolutely wonderful.

If however, the general consensus is that this is a breakthough, then perhaps it may be. Are breakthoughs impossible? I though it was quite astounding. Hence my coming back and telling the story. If its not believed, fair enough.

I think that was it. If you wish to talk more, or have specific questions, I'll be happy to answer.

06-27-2008, 04:41 AM
I am new here but find this thread interesting. I though we were all supposed to help each other. All I see is people arguing, disagreeing and being disrespectful.

Why dont you all instead give others the benefit of what you are doing positively to get rid of anxiety.

I would love to know the specifics of what Melody Rain has done to achieve his cure.

Anxious Frank
06-30-2008, 06:49 AM
I'm glad you found relief from your anxiety Melody.

I'm worried you have just fooled yourself into thinking you are cured.

The Melody of Rain
06-30-2008, 04:33 PM
The specifics were firstly avoiding situations that were causing me any stress for a time long enough so that my body and mind relaxed, and upon each having relaxed I was then in a position to tackle the situations head on with positive thinking.

I wouldn't worry frank, so you shouldn't either. What I mean by cured, is that I can now think clearly enough (because I'm not stressed) to think positively. I chase situations daily that I used to run miles away from when I was anxious. Situations as simple as walking down the street and being able to think about something that happened last night rather than focusing entirely on myself walking down the street and how I appear to others. Thats what I mean by it.

I'm not mentioning names, but I'm talking to another person by PM over the forums and even they've had success following the method I employed. Because anxiety is a mental condition, it has to be treated by the mind. That is the essence of it. I mean I've been on medications in the past, 11 or so in total including the dreadful Prothiadan and Lithium, and the did nothing to help me. They actually prohibited it because I couldnt think straight whilst taking them and I couldnt think my out of them like I did when I was off them.

07-02-2008, 12:27 PM
Very inspiring post Melody :D While it took me about five times as long as you (believe me I am not complaining here) learning to change my outlook took me from being afraid of my daily life, to enjoying my daily life. Or in the words of Sam Obitz it changed me from being a worrier to being a warrior!
I'm so happy for you and keep up the good work helping others :D

07-02-2008, 08:48 PM
I'm worried you have just fooled yourself into thinking you are cured.

It can be difficult to know whether you are completely back to your old self. And even when you feel ALOT better, you can always have a bad setback. BUT, it is important to remember that any drastic improvement is significant. Because even if you DO have a bad setback, this doesn't mean that you have gone back to square one. I have found that I actually seem to feel better AFTER a setback than before. Does this mean that setbacks are actually REQUIRED for recovery? Who knows. It's probably different for everybody.

Anxious Frank
07-03-2008, 05:22 AM
Robbed: There are many parallels with drug addiction. The one that sticks out in my mind is relapse. Another is that there has to be something to replace the void it leaves. Melody's system has a proactive approach to filling it.


Because anxiety is a mental condition, it has to be treated by the mind. That is the essence of it.

The mind is a useful tool in beating anxiety, but it is not the only one. Anxiety is also a spiritual and physical condition.

The Melody of Rain
07-03-2008, 01:18 PM
@Anxious Frank: My apologies, what I intended to say was that anxiety is a psychological disorder that must be cured by the mind. I believe there to be many successful treatments, but only to be one cure. I can understand some peoples concerns about my use of the word 'cure', which to be honest I'm not entirely happy with using. You could probably more accurately say that the 'cure' us a specific tool you need to develop a habit in using. Its a technique that can be employed in situations of stress so that they don't evolve into a state of anxiety caused by accumulating bouts of distress.

Indeed, I can too appreciate peoples concerns regarding relapse, but I know for myself that in order for me to relapse into my previous state, it would take at least a month of intense stress and neglecting to use the technique I developed to exit and sustain a content life, a calm mind and the ability to get on with life and do what I've always wanted to do. Its like...a constant sense of well-being. I look upon any situation, hypothetical or potentially occurring and honestly knowing theres an infinite amount of possible outcomes, but I can handle any of them. I've become a great fan of conversation too, because I just automatically know what to say.

All I did was calm myself, looked at the situations that had previously caused me hellish trauma and the horror disintegrated before my mind; they just didn't have a negative effect on me. At the moment, I'm just relearning how to act around people after avoiding them for so long. So far its been trial and error, but with the positive outlook I've been keeping (for so long now, that I dont even have to 'flick the switch') I don't dwell on the negative because I know what that does. What way it sends me. It drains me of life and it shows. So, based even on that alone I can see what the negative does, so just flipping it around and keeping with the positive thoughts, good things just seem to happen to me now - and the fantastic thing is that when the good thing happens, i think about it and more good things occur. Thats the habit I'm in.

07-22-2014, 02:09 PM
That's good MR, that's the power of positive thinking and changing your mind. Anxiety is caused naturally, and should be overcome naturally. I believe the word you're looking for is "overcome" instead of "cure". all the best to your continued healing :)