View Full Version : I am so tired of not sleeping

04-13-2014, 10:10 AM
I'm hoping this side effect from my meds wears off really soon.. It's terrible not being able to sleep.

I'll take sleeping pills & it'll knock me out but then I'm still tossing & turning all night & wake up groggy.

Can anyone help with this? :(

04-13-2014, 11:16 AM
What are you taking?

04-13-2014, 11:35 AM
What are you taking?


To sleep, I would take Benadryl.

04-13-2014, 07:12 PM
Hey Brooke, sorry to hear you are not sleeping well. It might be the meds taking time to adjust. There are a couple of things that really helped me sleep. I used to listen to youtube videos on "Guided Imagery" to help me sleep


Check out a couple of these videos, use them to help you relax before you go to bed so you are not so tense, this will also help guided your thoughts so you do not have so much anxiety or thoughts that race around your head. Good luck and rest well!

04-13-2014, 08:03 PM
Hey Brooke

2 months ago I could barely get 4 hours of sleep. It made me feel like sh*t, honestly. I was ready to give up. I couldn't even get any rest at all, how was I supposed to recover and think straight?

Obviously, a change was needed. I REALLY wanted to sleep. First, I tried supplements. B-vitamins and magnesium were great. They made me sleep like a baby. But, I stopped taking them because they gave me some crazy nightmares lol.

Then I tried melatonin. It was good, tbh. But, the next day, I was still tired. Made me feel like a zombie.

I was afraid of taking meds. So what I did:

- Exercise. Oh, how this helped. I'd go out for a walk for 30 mins every 2 hours. Then I would hit the gym, 2 times/day. One day, I was out playing football for 6-7 hours! I slept like a baby. Woke up next morning, feeling REALLY good.

- Meditation. I never meditated back then. But recently, I started. It also makes me really calm and relaxed. Give it a try: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8rkznuoHBs

I hope this can help. If you can't sleep, then don't stay in your bed. Accept that you can't sleep and go up do something else. Who cares if its in the middle of the night. Don't force yourself to sleep.


04-13-2014, 08:27 PM
Hey Brooke

2 months ago I could barely get 4 hours of sleep. It made me feel like sh*t, honestly. I was ready to give up. I couldn't even get any rest at all, how was I supposed to recover and think straight?

Obviously, a change was needed. I REALLY wanted to sleep. First, I tried supplements. B-vitamins and magnesium were great. They made me sleep like a baby. But, I stopped taking them because they gave me some crazy nightmares lol.

Then I tried melatonin. It was good, tbh. But, the next day, I was still tired. Made me feel like a zombie.

I was afraid of taking meds. So what I did:

- Exercise. Oh, how this helped. I'd go out for a walk for 30 mins every 2 hours. Then I would hit the gym, 2 times/day. One day, I was out playing football for 6-7 hours! I slept like a baby. Woke up next morning, feeling REALLY good.

- Meditation. I never meditated back then. But recently, I started. It also makes me really calm and relaxed. Give it a try: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8rkznuoHBs

I hope this can help. If you can't sleep, then don't stay in your bed. Accept that you can't sleep and go up do something else. Who cares if its in the middle of the night. Don't force yourself to sleep.


OOOHHHHH Excercise!!! I forgot about that!!!! I agree, I will do atleast 3-4 times a week walking for at least 30minutes to an hour. Just walking helps to settle the mind, but that also should help burn off some energy!

04-13-2014, 10:09 PM
Thank you all for the info!! :)

I will try some meditation tonight!! Tomorrow I will start exercising :)