View Full Version : wierd feelings this week

05-02-2008, 11:10 AM
for some reason all of this week i have been unable to go to school. i lay around all day feeling lifeless. i feel so out of it and anxious. It kinda feels like im dead but still alive idk its kinda wierd. does anyone ever feel this way? will it ever go away? :unsure:

05-02-2008, 05:06 PM
Hi, I suffer from an anxietydisorder and it gives you really strange feelings. I have a tingling feeling or as I call it the creepies. It can start at my scalp and travel down my body. I have taken Lexapro for years and it has been helpful. But lately I've been feeling as you do. The thing you have to do is push yourself to get up and do something. Go for a walk. Pray, look at the nature around you and tell yourself you will get over this and get better. I have a hard time going to work, but I just pray that I can get through and hour or so and then it seems to go better. Try and focus on something other than what your feeling. Been there done that. Hope this helps somewhat.

05-02-2008, 05:51 PM
Get some vitamins into yah and try sitting with a bright light near you. I find this helps to get me out of those moods. Or try some music and getting out doors even if it is just to walk to the mail.

05-03-2008, 10:38 AM
thank you so much for the advice. i hope someday anxiety is cured!

05-03-2008, 06:19 PM
ME TWO!!!! :)