View Full Version : Genetic testing results came back

04-12-2014, 11:31 AM
For those of you who were interested, my results came back this past Monday from the genetic test I had. It was to determine the best med for my DNA make up. It took a week longer than they said and I was going nutty waiting! Anyway, it was very interesting to see how my liver processes things. Long story short, I've been put on Zoloft. This is day 5. I'm only on 12.5 mg (I break in two a 25 mg) because the pdoc agrees that I'm super sensitive. She ain't kidding! My side effects are not like they were when I was put on lexapro and unlike that time, I'm actually using the Xanax to help with the added anxiety. So far I'm having a lot of body aches and headaches with fogginess. I'll do this 12.5 for a week and then move up to 25. She said it'll take longer for me to feel better but the side effects will be less harsh.
Today I woke up with a panic attack though and I'm feeling down. I know what they are, why does it still bother me? In fact, it depresses me!
Oh well. Anyway, I knew some were interested about the test so I thought I'd report back. Any questions, just ask. Any advice as I continue with the Zoloft would be appreciated. I need positive, encouraging words of advice. Thank you everyone for your support. I've fought going back on meds because of all the negativity you hear so I'm disappointed in myself for going back on. The thing is, I don't judge others who go this route, only myself.

04-13-2014, 08:43 PM
Hey Jgirl.

Ugh, SSRI start ups.

Are you still taking your trazadone for sleep?

04-14-2014, 07:41 AM
Hey Jgirl. Ugh, SSRI start ups. Are you still taking your trazadone for sleep?

Yes, still on the trazadone. However, since I usually fall asleep okay but wake up after a few hours and then can't fall back, I've been waiting to take it then. So last night when I woke up at 2:30, layed there till 3, I got up and took it. Was back to sleep by 3:30 or so.

Had the panic attack from hell yesterday afternoon. I thought I was adjusting to Zoloft well until that! I'm supposed to up my dose tomorrow. Not looking forward to it. Xanax didn't touch the panic yesterday but they are only .25 mg.

Thanks for reading & replying. :-)