View Full Version : Pure Ocd coming back ...

04-11-2014, 09:02 PM
I've been doing very well over the last 3-5 weeks. There have been full weeks in that time period where I felt 100% fine, but for some reason I'm feeling anxious again lately. My Pure O used to revolve around self harm, but now it's kind of weird. It's like existential based - asking what the point of life is, what the purpose of so many other things are, and for some reason it makes me very anxious, at least, I think it's anxiety.. It's a very weird horrible feeling that accompanies it. I analyze concepts like friendship etc. way too much as well, it's as if my brain is just over analyzing every little aspect of life. Sometimes I don't mind, but at times it gets scary and I get anxious because it'll occasionally revolve around things I don't like to think about. For example, I was with some friends last night and they were talking about the war in Iraq (no idea how it came up) and my head just started analyzing it and it's not something that makes me happy.

It seems like my OCD likes to wrap around these huge worldly questions that nobody has answers to.

Another weird thought that gets me anxious is when I think stuff like "Am I in a dream? What if everyone around me isn't real?" etc etc. Really scary stuff, because I have no answers for any of it.

Has anyone ever experienced this OCD, or is this something else? What do I do???
This dose of anxiety is extra hard on me.. just when I thought I was (getting) better.

04-12-2014, 04:46 AM
Hey Michael

What you're experiencing might be derealization - questioning life alot. "Am I in a dream?" "What if everyone around me isn't real?" are typical existential questions that pops up from the DR. I get it too sometimes and it's a terrible and scary feeling.

5 steps forwards - 4,7 steps back. Time will heal. Everyday isn't going to be sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes we're going to have bad days, weeks, months. We just have to accept that we're going trough a sh*tty period.

You are getting better. You're maybe on your way out of this and the last "click" is maybe knowing how to handle the bad days.

Try to not give a single flying f*ck about the thoughts. Live your life normally and don't let it stop you from anything. That's how you get rid of this damn thing.


04-12-2014, 08:30 AM
Hey Michael

What you're experiencing might be derealization - questioning life alot. "Am I in a dream?" "What if everyone around me isn't real?" are typical existential questions that pops up from the DR. I get it too sometimes and it's a terrible and scary feeling.

5 steps forwards - 4,7 steps back. Time will heal. Everyday isn't going to be sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes we're going to have bad days, weeks, months. We just have to accept that we're going trough a sh*tty period.

You are getting better. You're maybe on your way out of this and the last "click" is maybe knowing how to handle the bad days.

Try to not give a single flying f*ck about the thoughts. Live your life normally and don't let it stop you from anything. That's how you get rid of this damn thing.


That's was greatly put