View Full Version : lonely

05-02-2008, 07:40 AM
for the past few weeks ive been feeling very lonely no matter how many people are around (family friends coworkers, the great people on here) i just cant seem to shake this feeling of loneliness and fear that everyone will get fed up with me and my anxiety and not want to have anything to do with me i have a wonderdful family and i dont even know why i would think like that but i do

Also everytime someone is in a bad mood or doesn't feel like talking or whatever i always think its something i did or somehow its my fault and i start panicking which i looked up and found an article on automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) and one was Personalising which is( taking responsibility for something thats not your fault thinking that what some people say or do is some king of reaction to you or in some way related to you) but i cant help but feel this way and i dont know why im doing

Does anyone ever feel this way or have any advice???

05-02-2008, 11:48 PM
I personally believe that this is NOT something you are 'doing to yourself'. Rather, it is typically the result of the introspection caused by anxiety disorder. As I am sure you know, anxiety disorder causes you to become fixated internally. You tend to give LOTS of thought to your disorder, how bad you feel, whether you will EVER be yourself again, etc. Because you have probably been doing this for a REALLY long time, it has become habit to not connect with the world around you. In other words, you have learned to be this way to the point that it is AUTOMATIC. And now you have to reconnect with the world. Go out and do things. And spend time with your friends. Since it sounds like they know about your anxiety, let them know that you are making the effort to get over it and not to worry too much if you seem 'off'. This is a normal part of anxiety disorder, and will take some time to pass - more time than you (or others) feel is necessary.

05-04-2008, 12:41 AM
I feel this way CONSTANTLY lately, probably the last 6 months, the best cure for it for me is just to hang out with people I trust and try to enjoy myself as best as I am able. Even if you only feel normal for 15 minutes out of an entire night... that's 15 minutes you wouldn't have had before. This is a very troubling problem for me, since I am desperately afraid to be alone. I'm starting to think my fear of being alone has something to do with not thinking my own thoughts have validity unless I present them to someone else first... not sure... and that's probably irrelevant! Oh well, just my input. :)

05-05-2008, 08:39 AM
thanks guys for your help and support...its helps to talk with people that know what im going through...i will take your advice and start spending more time with people and i need to realize that personalising is just a part of my anxiety i would be so lost without everyones help here thanks again :)