View Full Version : why do doctors hate me?

04-11-2014, 03:22 PM
I know you all know me, im very honest with you all. I am fully aware i have anxiety. I am also fully aware that my body acts up like a maniac, and that part ISNT my anxiety.. went through months of bullshit to get my diagnosis. (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) have a cousin who has it..and we have the exact same symptoms. Anyways. After being mistreated by the nurse practitioner...i finally spoke with my doctor. Who kindly let me know that it is written all over my medical records that i want to be on disability, and im basically crazy and making all of this up. So not only can i not work at this time due to my condition, i probably wont get paid..from my short term disability. Anyways, so now im almost being forced into seeing a mental health professional. Cool, id love to on my own terms. My anxiety is fine. A few panic attacks in reaction to my crazy body does not warrant the need to have to talk to a therapist. But i was told by my doctor i better start looking like i want to get better or no one is going to beleive me. As if being admitted to the hospital for nearly a week wasnt enough to show that something is wrong. Fucking idiots.

04-11-2014, 03:28 PM
That's terrible!

Is there no way you can find another doctors surgery?

Or maybe go along to the see the mental health team and then that way they will be able to advice your doctor that you don't need there help.

04-11-2014, 06:45 PM
I do not see how anyone could hate you. I think it's impossible.

You're to damn cute.


04-11-2014, 08:05 PM
My friend has POTS along with fibromyalgia and it's terrible. She's on disability for those two things, along with
cfs. POTS is awful!

04-11-2014, 09:02 PM
Alaina doctors are idiots, maybe not all but most of them. Not very often they come from poor families, most of them are born with the silver spoon in the mouth. Beside that they have the quidelines, and they are so scared not to cross them. Every time I go to doc I think they hate me, maybe because I am trying to make my decision what meds not to take... If it was not for that they would kill me at lest 30 years ago. They are kind of hopeless, they have not idea what to do with your problem, this is why. I still believe you will be under the care of smart doc, it is the matter of time.
hate is too strong, they are annoyed because you required some care.

I am with Gene on that. You are such loveable person AB:) not to add that you are beautiful:))

04-11-2014, 09:23 PM
It is very awful..:/thats my plan to prove to my doctor that im not nuts. Awesome. Kick anxietys butt, to get a real physical illness. To then have to prove i dont have anxiety. Well at least anxiety that causes this.pots is no joke

04-12-2014, 12:15 AM
Thank you dahlia. You are an amazing woman. And it gives me some extra strength to keep fighting. I will win!! You made my night.

04-12-2014, 03:47 AM
Alaina doctors are idiots, maybe not all but most of them.

Yes, this.

I find it hard to get Doctors to take me seriously sometimes. They have a tendency just to dismiss a myriad of minor symptoms as nothing out the ordinary when in reality there might be something else going on. This happens a lot with the elderly, "it's just old age" but it happens to a greater or lesser degree for patients of all ages.

It's even worse now that I've been labelled with Heath Anxiety. My Doctor didn't want to believe me about my 'hyper focus' & ADHD style symptoms when I first mentioned it, it was only after 5-10 minutes of explaining that he began to believe there might be something minor going on that might not be worth a referral but he agreed to anyway. *sigh*

In my experience though, when Doctors do discover a problem with you... they tend to suddenly become pro-active & will listen to everything you have to say that is related to it.

Try switching practice if there is another one who's catchment area you fall in. The Doctors practice I was at growing up was full of amazing Doctors, but now I've moved in town, there are less Doctors strangely & only 1-2 are good.

04-12-2014, 07:19 AM
Mine is trying to push on me "It's anxiety" and anxiety, when I tell her that I do not have anxiety she doubts me. My meds control it :)
Finally I came out of her office with all kind of tests, we will see what's going on :))
It takes a lot of energy and serious manipulating and telling them how smart they are to get what we want. It can be done.