View Full Version : So nervous

04-11-2014, 10:41 AM
So nervous. So I've been at my moms house since Christmas. I started to get a lil too comfortable here. But now I'm set to leave on the 21st.
A year ago this trip would have no problem and exciting but after being stationary for so long, I'm terrified of all the traveling coming up.

I have to fly for a total of 7 hours in one day. Hang out with people I don't really know for a few days. Then be trapped in the car for 6 hours. Relax a few days. Fly again. Land at 11pm. And start my new job at 6am the next day that I need to take public transit to.
Most of my anxiety stems from claustrophobia. So all this travel time is my worst nightmare.

I don't wana freak out the ppl I'm traveling with and tell them about my anxiety. But if I don't tell them and I have an attack, I'll look crazy. :( I hate this feeling. So much pressure right now.

04-13-2014, 08:45 PM
Travelling is a really big trigger for you, isn't it.

04-13-2014, 08:56 PM
Travelling is a really big trigger for you, isn't it.

Very much so. It all stems from my first cross country roadtrip from hell 7 years ago.
I love going to new places, but I hate getting there.
I just hate feeling stuck and vulnerable. The more control and less chaos I have in a trip determines how easy is it for me to survive it.
This trip is extra stressful because its ALOT of 'being stuck' time and traveling with new people that don't know how crazy I can get. That mixed with the fact that I've been pretty stagnant for a few months.