View Full Version : Update

04-11-2014, 07:07 AM
So it's been awhile since I wrote in this forum and I finally got rid of my tight throat sensation! Went to the ENT and turns out I had a bad case of silent reflux! Great! Now I'm on meds, I do feel better just not 100%! The doctor said it would take a long time before I start to feel better! Great thanks! My physical symptoms are not as bad as they were! I'm still smoke free! (12 weeks)! Yay! But my obsession with having cancer and googling have reached dangerous levels!! I got a phone call the other day from my doctor telling me I had an abnormal pap and I need to have a colscopy done! Health anxiety is in full max right now! She reassured me it wasn't cancer! But some of my cells are unhealthy! Appointment is on Tuesday and I'm scared out of my mind!!! Random break downs! I wish I was giving you an update that I am feeling much better! But not this time! Grrrr! :,(

04-11-2014, 09:02 AM
So it's been awhile since I wrote in this forum and I finally got rid of my tight throat sensation! Went to the ENT and turns out I had a bad case of silent reflux! Great! Now I'm on meds, I do feel better just not 100%! The doctor said it would take a long time before I start to feel better! Great thanks! My physical symptoms are not as bad as they were! I'm still smoke free! (12 weeks)! Yay! But my obsession with having cancer and googling have reached dangerous levels!! I got a phone call the other day from my doctor telling me I had an abnormal pap and I need to have a colscopy done! Health anxiety is in full max right now! She reassured me it wasn't cancer! But some of my cells are unhealthy! Appointment is on Tuesday and I'm scared out of my mind!!! Random break downs! I wish I was giving you an update that I am feeling much better! But not this time! Grrrr! :,(

Babydoll, everything is going to be okay. I had this long thing that I was going to say to you, but I did not want to freak you out. I've been battling cervical cancer for about five years now. I'm finally down to mild dysplasia (not cancerous!). The colscopy isn't bad at all, and it only takes a minute. There is a little cramping during, but nothing you haven't experienced with your period. I really hope that I don't add to your anxiety.. I just want you to know that this is not as scary as it seems. Also, abnormal paps usually resolve themselves if you have a healthy/strong immune system, and no signs of HPV.

04-11-2014, 09:04 AM
Really! That's great I'm so glad it's not cancerous! That's great! My doctor said it's not cancer which I hope it's not! I hope she's not telling me that just to ease my mind! I'm so scared I'm not scared of the procedure I'm scared of the results!

04-11-2014, 09:12 AM
Really! That's great I'm so glad it's not cancerous! That's great! My doctor said it's not cancer which I hope it's not! I hope she's not telling me that just to ease my mind! I'm so scared I'm not scared of the procedure I'm scared of the results!

I understand. I was very scared, but I also had HPV for a while before finding out. (Ex-hubby cheated a lot) If she out right told you that it's not cancer, she wasn't trying to make you feel better, she was letting you know that you don't have to worry too much. I have a feeling that you should be fine, but just so you know.. I don't mind if you need to send me a p,m to have someone to freak out to.<3