View Full Version : don't know what to do

04-10-2014, 05:10 PM
I've been feeling different lately, not comfortable talking to my friends and even my family. I just feel weird around them for no reason. Whenever I say something awkward or something that I don't usually say, it sends shivers down my spine and it makes the situation even worse. I've always had mild social anxiety but I have always felt comfortable around friends and family until now. I don't feel a connection with most people, as I did before. I cry all the time about it. Also, there is this tightening in my left cheek that won't go away unless I stop thinking about it, which is hard to do. One of my good friends came up to visit me last weekend and I said I couldn't see him because I know I would be awkward and it wouldn't be the same as it was before. It's just an uptight feeling that I have never felt before, I don't feel relaxed at all. Oh and I have been able to take naps easily in the past, but now I can't even begin to calm myself down enough to take them. My mind is always racing with thoughts. It is really bugging me I want to feel relaxed and comfortable with my body again. Why am I feeling this way? Should I see a doctor about it?