View Full Version : Bad days :|

04-10-2014, 04:34 PM
Hey guys!

I've not been feeling so good these last couple of days. Alot stress, school, moving soon and in general "stressy".

It's been making me feel like shit honestly. Today I slept for 4 hours. I was stupid and went to bed very late yesterday.

Now I have this "dark"/"scary" feeling that it might not go away. I feel like my body is about to give up and I'm losing hope.

I know it's irrational, but I still believe it, I guess I'm stupid lol.

What I'm asking for is some motivation, inspiration and hope. I really need it.

Sorry if this affects your day in a negative way, but I just felt like I needed to get this out somewhere.

04-10-2014, 04:43 PM
Hey guys! I've not been feeling so good these last couple of days. Alot stress, school, moving soon and in general "stressy". It's been making me feel like shit honestly. Today I slept for 4 hours. I was stupid and went to bed very late yesterday. Now I have this "dark"/"scary" feeling that it might not go away. I feel like my body is about to give up and I'm losing hope. I know it's irrational, but I still believe it, I guess I'm stupid lol. What I'm asking for is some motivation, inspiration and hope. I really need it. Sorry if this affects your day in a negative way, but I just felt like I needed to get this out somewhere.

Hey Elias

It will pass, these things come in waves, I've found myself succumbed to stress this last few weeks, and the anxiety flares up pretty bad.

We never take our own advice though do we!!!!

04-10-2014, 04:59 PM
Thanks 14

I'm trying to see everything from a positive perspective. Can't seem to find anything good right now though.

Maybe I'm not dealing with my anxiety right. I've just learned how to manage it, but not how to recover it. This maybe what's making it worse every time it hits me?

Oh well... f*ck it...

04-10-2014, 05:31 PM
Hey guys! I've not been feeling so good these last couple of days. Alot stress, school, moving soon and in general "stressy". It's been making me feel like shit honestly. Today I slept for 4 hours. I was stupid and went to bed very late yesterday. Now I have this "dark"/"scary" feeling that it might not go away. I feel like my body is about to give up and I'm losing hope. I know it's irrational, but I still believe it, I guess I'm stupid lol. What I'm asking for is some motivation, inspiration and hope. I really need it. Sorry if this affects your day in a negative way, but I just felt like I needed to get this out somewhere.

Hi Elias,

Irrational.....yes! Stupid....not on your life!

You have so much going on right now, both exciting and stressful. An anxiety sufferers worst nightmare!

We have all been where you are, as 14 said, this comes in waves or cycles. Try to focus your attention on today, tomorrow will come soon enough and you can deal with it then.

Don't allow yourself to get on that "what if " train. Who cares about what if, what you need to care about is WHAT IS. You see the difference? One is the future, which you can't do anything about yet and the other is the present , which you CAN control.

Take a deep breath and just say F$@#K it!!!

You can do this! I know you can!
Cheers my friend!

04-10-2014, 05:34 PM
Thanks 14 I'm trying to see everything from a positive perspective. Can't seem to find anything good right now though. Maybe I'm not dealing with my anxiety right. I've just learned how to manage it, but not how to recover it. This maybe what's making it worse every time it hits me? Oh well... f*ck it...

The only medicine for a significant recovery is time, you've got to switch on through the good days and switch off through the not so good days, if you allow yourself to become alert and focus on the days that your body starts playing up, you will simply re trigger the cycle.

Remember those days when you used to post on your thread "help.... I think I have schizophrenia" ..... Well .... That never happened......""help ... I think I have something wrong with my heart"........that never happened either.

What's the likely hood that something terrible will happen this time?....... Are you detecting my theme here? :)

You need to grab your life with both hands!

So you have stress from school and feelings of anxiety.

Wait until you are married with a mortgage and a couple of kids screaming and eating away at your wallet :)

Enjoy being young and carefree NOW......

You've got a heap of crap and stress to come yet.......but none of it will kill you!! :)

04-10-2014, 05:36 PM
The only medicine for a significant recovery is time, you've got to switch on through the good days and switch off through the not so good days, if you allow yourself to become alert and focus on the days that your body starts playing up, you will simply re trigger the cycle. Remember those days when you used to post on your thread "help.... I think I have schizophrenia" ..... Well .... That never happened......""help ... I think I have something wrong with my heart"........that never happened either. What's the likely hood that something terrible will happen this time?....... Are you detecting my theme here? :) You need to grab your life with both hands! So you have stress from school and feelings of anxiety. Wait until you are married with a mortgage and a couple of kids screaming and eating away at your wallet :) Enjoy being young and carefree NOW...... You've got a heap of crap and stress to come yet.......but none of it will kill you!! :)

Great reply 14!!!