View Full Version : Idiot doctors!

04-09-2014, 03:48 PM
Hi everyone! Just going to rant here for a minute. I always said my doctor was pretty good but today I think he has his head shoved up his a*#!

Went to get him to sign stupid work form for my restrictions re: my back injury, and btw Pam, you have serious osteoarthritis in your low back. No wonder the pain is brutal next to the herniated disks!

But it gets better.,.,the dumb ass goes on to suggest I go on to suggest SSRIs for me. ARE YOU F$@Kn KIDDING??? I just spent 18 months coming off that stuff and am in a pretty good place right now! The occasional anxiety attack does NOT require AD's!

I hope he was just having a bad day cause he is never this off the mark!

Ok, rant done, I feel better!

04-09-2014, 03:53 PM
Hi Pam,

I always seem to get a different doctor every time I go, I'd like to stick to one but I haven't found one I truly like enough to actually request them yet so hopefully it was just an off day for him.

It is so frustrating when they suggest something that just isn't right and you know it isn't but it's hard to reason whith them when they're supposed to know what they're doing! I've had a few doctors where they've not been supportive or just not very good altogether and it's ruined my confidence in them, I hope it was just him having an off day and the next time you see him he's better!

04-09-2014, 04:01 PM
Thanks Riley!

That's really awful you don't get to see the same doctor all the time. We have a huge shortage of doctors here and if you are lucky enough to get one you have to stick with them. I got really lucky , when my original doctor gave up her practice, this guy stepped in and truth be told he really is very good. Must have had an off day cause the office was packed today, worse than usual!

04-09-2014, 04:30 PM
I always seem to get a different doctor every time I go, I'd like to stick to one but I haven't found one I truly like enough to actually request them yet

I finally found a good one, and guess what.. he got laid off! So the 15th is my last time seeing him. :(

04-10-2014, 05:42 AM
I finally found a good one, and guess what.. he got laid off! So the 15th is my last time seeing him. :(

awful! Sorry to hear that. Your search for another one begins again so it seems :( I hope you get lucky and find one almost straight away, it's really frustrating when you can't.