View Full Version : Feeling like sh*t - Some motivation

04-08-2014, 05:16 PM
Hey guys,

I'm having a really tough time right now. My anxiety is doing everything to take control again.

Usually it hits me on one "thing" and I can control it. Like it goes from, fear of strokes, heart attacks to fear of going crazy and derealization. But now, now it's everything at the same time. No idea why.

I'm seeing things from the corner of my eyes, derealization and other sh*t. I'm calm, I'm not panicking or anything. Just anxious.

Need something, motivation or anything that can keep me going.

Help is appreciated

04-08-2014, 05:32 PM

You sound quite similar to the position I'm in at the moment, everything just makes me generally anxious - I only panic if something happens but otherwise - anxious. The only thing I can suggest which helps for me is to see a friend who you really enjoy spending time with and can trust as I've found doing things to take my mind off it with a couple of people who I'm really close to seems to make me feel a little better. I'm always anxious even before I go and afterwards I go straight back to being anxious but for the hour or so when I'm with them and I've got used to it it's almost like I'm myself again and it's nice. I try to do things even if I feel anxious about them because after half an hour of being there and being anxious I usually get used to the situation and can have fun.

Hope you manage to find something that helps.

04-08-2014, 05:44 PM
Alias what about going back in time and reading your posts again:) YOu know what to do. One day you are going to be free of that shit:)
It is going to be fine

04-08-2014, 05:47 PM
Hey Riley,

I've been handling it really good these last couple of days. I haven't been anxious or anything, completly forgot about it. It has been great. Even though I had some symptoms, I still felt really good. I felt like I was myself.

Now, out of a sudden, ALL of the symptoms hit me. I have no idea why. I'm trying not to give a f*ck though and it feels like it's helping somehow.

Thanks, appreciate the help! :)

04-08-2014, 05:49 PM
Alias what about going back in time and reading your posts again:) YOu know what to do. One day you are going to be free of that shit:)
It is going to be fine

LOL! This is was what I actually did Dahila. And it's helping.

Thanks!! :)

04-09-2014, 04:07 AM
UPDATE: Woke up feeling much better. I simply said f*ck it and it worked like everytime lol.

04-09-2014, 08:21 AM
UPDATE: Woke up feeling much better. I simply said f*ck it and it worked like everytime lol.

Way to go !!!

You know how the game is played, and you are winning!!!
