View Full Version : back to work

04-08-2014, 04:14 PM
I called off last tues and fri so i did work 2 days last week after my anxiety. Today i will return and hope to work all week. I work tues-fri. Im a lil anxious & setting my lingering symptoms off a lil, but i gotta think, ive been doing this for the past almost 6 years. Nothings gonna happen, theres really nothing to worry about. Here i go

04-08-2014, 04:24 PM
Good luck!! :)

I'll be in the same boat here in a week or two after being off work for over a month!

04-08-2014, 05:37 PM
I took 4 weeks off work because my anxiety was giving me painful symptoms and the doctors couldn't identify what it was at first before they concluded that it was the anxiety and since I've been back I struggle for the first half an hour to an hour but after that I'm fine and I'm back into the swing of things.
If you feel a little off when you first get there, as I do, just have a conversation with someone whilst you settle back into things or busy yourself with a task that requires a lot of thought and before you know it hopefully you'll be fine

Good luck!

04-09-2014, 10:01 AM
Thank u guys for ur support. I did feel in a funk still wen i got there, even talked to my dad b4 i went in to calm down. The night went fairly well and on the way home i felt like me again. I was even hungry wen i got home. Ive been having trouble falling asleep but taking trazodone. I didnt take it last night thinking i would b tired enuff to fall asleep on my own. I kindof dozed off i think and wen i realized i hadnt slept much, i freaked out a lil and started feeling flushed and panicky. I went to kitchen & took trazodone & within 10 mins felt calmer. Could this be somewhat of a placebo effect? Ive been taking it since fri night. But overall i feel and most importantly THINK im better

04-09-2014, 03:50 PM
Thank u guys for ur support. I did feel in a funk still wen i got there, even talked to my dad b4 i went in to calm down. The night went fairly well and on the way home i felt like me again. I was even hungry wen i got home. Ive been having trouble falling asleep but taking trazodone. I didnt take it last night thinking i would b tired enuff to fall asleep on my own. I kindof dozed off i think and wen i realized i hadnt slept much, i freaked out a lil and started feeling flushed and panicky. I went to kitchen & took trazodone & within 10 mins felt calmer. Could this be somewhat of a placebo effect? Ive been taking it since fri night. But overall i feel and most importantly THINK im better

I sometimes wondered whether my medication I was taking was actually helping or whether it was a placebo effect but then I thought as long as its working whether it's real or a placebo I'm happy with it because I'm feeling better either way.

Glad it didn't go too badly for you, you seem similar to myself - once I'm there after an hour and on the way home I feel much better than I did when I first got there. Hopefully you'll get used to it quickly again soon!