View Full Version : Need some advice

04-08-2014, 02:05 AM
Just a quick background of me since I don't post here much - i'm 22 and about 16 months ago i suddenly started getting chest pains, dizziness etc completely out of the blue, had about a 2 month stage where I was just diagnosing myself with everything, refused the doctors answer that it was anxiety, just kept telling myself and the people around me that i think it's angina, i think it's a blod clot etc despite me having two ECG's and both coming back fine. Then straight after that I started to diagnose myself with other stuff like different forms of cancers, what I didn't realize at the time is just how much an affect this had on my mum, dad and girlfriend. Obviously hearing your son/boyfriend say that he has cancer/heart disease is horrible but they was brilliant, always supporting me and helping me push through it but I now know that my girlfriend used to cry when I wasnt there, my mam has said that she was worried sick about me, all stuff that they hid at the time to show that they weren't worried about any illness I've diagnosed myself with because I was just been silly. My dad even paid for me to have a full health check on bupa, which i passed without any problems which went along way to help me get through it.

I pushed through with it and come out the other end (kind of) I accepted all horrendous chest pains and dizziness was anxiety, i had two anxiety attacks before i accepted it but once I knew it was anxiety I haven't had one since (touch wood). Its about 14 months later now and I've had a few blips, like finding lumps and going to the doctors with it but overall i've been ok, still get chest pains from time to time, the shortness of breath etc but apparently anxiety can come and go whenever.

Now i need a bit of advice, for the past month & a half or so i've been getting chest pains when i'm exercising, not every time but sometimes like last night when i was on the bikes at the gym, it's just a sharp quick pain and can carry on for 1-2 hours afterwards. It's worrying me, they always say chest pain should never be ignored especially when exercising but i do tend to ignore it and keep on going, just telling myself it's anxiety pains. But anxiety doesn't cause chest pain while exercising, well apparently, but then i tell myself I'm 22 and just over 14 months ago I had 2 ECG's and one stress ECG all come back fine, they say my heart is completely normal.

I want to go back to the doctors but I think they'll just look at my notes and say 'you had 2 ecg's and one stress ecg just over a year ago, your hearts fine' and plus I don't want my mam/dad and girlfriend to think im falling back into this 'anxiety black hole' where i think ive got everything wrong with me and I go off the rails, and I don't want them to worry about me either because as far as they know i haven't been to the doctors in over a year, if I had it my way I wouldn't tell anyone and i'd just go by myself but unfortunately my dad works at the same place as me, he'll know if I take time off to the go to the doctors or whatever. I don't want my parents to worry about me but I know as soon as i say i want to go to the doctors they'll think im going back to the old me, which i'm not, i just want to get checked out so i can carry on playing football & going to the gym without worrying.

04-08-2014, 03:33 AM
Just a quick background of me since I don't post here much - i'm 22 and about 16 months ago i suddenly started getting chest pains, dizziness etc completely out of the blue, had about a 2 month stage where I was just diagnosing myself with everything, refused the doctors answer that it was anxiety, just kept telling myself and the people around me that i think it's angina, i think it's a blod clot etc despite me having two ECG's and both coming back fine. Then straight after that I started to diagnose myself with other stuff like different forms of cancers, what I didn't realize at the time is just how much an affect this had on my mum, dad and girlfriend. Obviously hearing your son/boyfriend say that he has cancer/heart disease is horrible but they was brilliant, always supporting me and helping me push through it but I now know that my girlfriend used to cry when I wasnt there, my mam has said that she was worried sick about me, all stuff that they hid at the time to show that they weren't worried about any illness I've diagnosed myself with because I was just been silly. My dad even paid for me to have a full health check on bupa, which i passed without any problems which went along way to help me get through it. I pushed through with it and come out the other end (kind of) I accepted all horrendous chest pains and dizziness was anxiety, i had two anxiety attacks before i accepted it but once I knew it was anxiety I haven't had one since (touch wood). Its about 14 months later now and I've had a few blips, like finding lumps and going to the doctors with it but overall i've been ok, still get chest pains from time to time, the shortness of breath etc but apparently anxiety can come and go whenever. Now i need a bit of advice, for the past month & a half or so i've been getting chest pains when i'm exercising, not every time but sometimes like last night when i was on the bikes at the gym, it's just a sharp quick pain and can carry on for 1-2 hours afterwards. It's worrying me, they always say chest pain should never be ignored especially when exercising but i do tend to ignore it and keep on going, just telling myself it's anxiety pains. But anxiety doesn't cause chest pain while exercising, well apparently, but then i tell myself I'm 22 and just over 14 months ago I had 2 ECG's and one stress ECG all come back fine, they say my heart is completely normal. I want to go back to the doctors but I think they'll just look at my notes and say 'you had 2 ecg's and one stress ecg just over a year ago, your hearts fine' and plus I don't want my mam/dad and girlfriend to think im falling back into this 'anxiety black hole' where i think ive got everything wrong with me and I go off the rails, and I don't want them to worry about me either because as far as they know i haven't been to the doctors in over a year, if I had it my way I wouldn't tell anyone and i'd just go by myself but unfortunately my dad works at the same place as me, he'll know if I take time off to the go to the doctors or whatever. I don't want my parents to worry about me but I know as soon as i say i want to go to the doctors they'll think im going back to the old me, which i'm not, i just want to get checked out so i can carry on playing football & going to the gym without worrying.

Question for you.

You say the chest pain comes after exercising. Is this cardio or weight training?

If it is weight training, including doing things like planks or push ups you can irritate some of the connective tissue in your ribs.

I get this often where my ribs meet the sternum. Some ibuprofen can help.

Good luck!

04-08-2014, 03:54 AM
It's cardio unfortunately, i don't get any chest pain when i'm just doing weights. This is why it's worrying me a little bit because everything my points to my heart, but then i've had three tests which say my hearts fine so im in a bit of a limob at the minute! I've never had a chest x-ray which may be the next point of call

04-08-2014, 04:01 AM
It's cardio unfortunately, i don't get any chest pain when i'm just doing weights. This is why it's worrying me a little bit because everything my points to my heart, but then i've had three tests which say my hearts fine so im in a bit of a limob at the minute! I've never had a chest x-ray which may be the next point of call


So maybe a holter monitor for 48 hours could help. Talk to your doctor, work out like normal with it on. If you get the pains when wearing it they can probably pinpoint the issue. If nothing comes out of it then you can let it go. Or at least try to, it's much easier said than done. I know.

The other thing I do know is if you keep worrying about it you are going dig yourself into a hole you don't want to be in.
