View Full Version : Any Advice, Please?

04-30-2008, 09:15 AM
Last night, my mom had an asthma attack at home. Its normal for her in this weather and she seemed stable for a while. Shes been complaing about her lungs and and the doctors can never seem to make up their minds about her, no matter ow many blood tests x-rays, or anything. Anyways, eventually we took her to the hospital( me and my dad). The whole time she was breathing fine but swore she couldnt, the machines said that everything was normal she was talking crying, doing fine, but she still seemed to think she couldnt breathe. She finally settlled down after some medicines and a few breathing masks. But later in when they transferred her to ICU, she started think the doctors were trying to kill her and kept saying shed check herself out, and told my dad to leave before she made a scene My dad went back later that night to check her out so shed calling and stop threatening to leave by herself. She thought my dad had left her to die and that we all abandoned her. I dont know how to explain (im only 14) but that was one of the scarest things i had to see for about six hours, she was fighting for her life when she didnt have to. I despratly need advice on how to help my mom and how to calm her when she thinks we all against her. :cry:

04-30-2008, 11:17 AM
Sorry to hear that both you and your family are going through this. I really don't know what to say other than always be there for her. Dont get frusterated to the point that you stop comunicating with your mom. She too is having a tough go by the sounds of it. It is hard. It can be hurtful too. There is no doubt that she loves you and your dad, Just try to understand when someone truly feels this way. They truly believe it. It may change from one day to the next. You just have to go with the flow for now. I hope someone else can answer you questions better.

05-01-2008, 08:32 AM
Thank you for you advice, my mom has been doing fine, shes up more than she should be but shes fine, the strange thing...she dosnt remember anything O.O, shes fine though thanks again

05-01-2008, 11:52 AM
I hope I helped and I was hoping that someone else could have jumped in. As I am new to anxiety but my mom had it too and it was really hard as a child. But hey They are our mom and we only get one. Take care And post more if you need to as I am sure someone will answer. I find this forum alittle slow. But worth the wait.

05-02-2008, 08:54 AM
thank you ^_^ ,my life has been in choas so stress is getting worse around my house im sure ill neede more help soon