View Full Version : Shortness of breath...

04-07-2014, 10:17 PM
Hello everyone. So over the last few months I've been on the recovery road from anxiety. My heart use to be my big concern, until I went to se an amazing cardiologist that help me understand I had nothing wrong with my heart. After visiting the cardiologist I felt like I took a huge step forward! But now, shortness of breath is making my life complicated again. It just feels so horrible. Here's the thing; I feel like the shortness of breath comes from an underlying cause, but after getting bloodwork done and evaluated, they tell me is just anxiety! How do you all deal with shortness of breath? Does it come and go? Just want to know if it's that big of a common symptom.

04-08-2014, 05:56 PM
Hello everyone. So over the last few months I've been on the recovery road from anxiety. My heart use to be my big concern, until I went to se an amazing cardiologist that help me understand I had nothing wrong with my heart. After visiting the cardiologist I felt like I took a huge step forward! But now, shortness of breath is making my life complicated again. It just feels so horrible. Here's the thing; I feel like the shortness of breath comes from an underlying cause, but after getting bloodwork done and evaluated, they tell me is just anxiety! How do you all deal with shortness of breath? Does it come and go? Just want to know if it's that big of a common symptom.

Hi Jerry

Only just seen this post, yes absolutely shortness of breath is a very common symptom in anxiety, usually one of two reasons (or combination) of tight chest muscles (anxiety promotes a change in posture) and also over breathing (hyperventilating) you don't necessarily get the typical rapid breathing associated with panic attacks, but more frequent and shorter inhale/exhale, it causes the oxygen/carbon dioxide levels in the blood to alter (too much oxygen).

Belly breathing and consciously trying to take shorter inhale and longer exhale should help, if you feel a bad attack coming on try breathing through cupped hands or a paper bag.

04-08-2014, 07:36 PM
Thank for the input fourteen, what happens in my case is that first comes that shortness of breath, then comes some type of mild anxiety. The fact that the I get the breathing discomfort first is what makes me worry.

04-09-2014, 03:03 AM
Thank for the input fourteen, what happens in my case is that first comes that shortness of breath, then comes some type of mild anxiety. The fact that the I get the breathing discomfort first is what makes me worry.

The symptoms still persist for a while after the mind is settled. It triggers panic then the cycle keeps going.

04-09-2014, 03:36 AM
Thank you, I hope that's my case. I'm just so concerned. Can't sleep many times because of this. Sorry than till now I ask, what is your profession fourteen, how do you know so much great info?!

04-09-2014, 03:50 AM
Thank you, I hope that's my case. I'm just so concerned. Can't sleep many times because of this. Sorry than till now I ask, what is your profession fourteen, how do you know so much great info?!

I'm a career hypochondriac who happens to work in mental health :)

04-10-2014, 10:55 PM
So glad to hear from you fourteen! Thanks for all your support. I feel like crap again now. " when it rains, it pours" i had to keep it together this whole week. I had to drive my mom to the hospital last nite, they admitted her to the hospital for chest pain. I was a complete mess! Having to keep it together for her when I'm devastated with my anxiety was very had! All her test came back normal and was discharged from the hospital. I'm am a true mess, I'm so worried everything just feel terrible! Don't know what to do!

04-11-2014, 04:44 PM
So glad to hear from you fourteen! Thanks for all your support. I feel like crap again now. " when it rains, it pours" i had to keep it together this whole week. I had to drive my mom to the hospital last nite, they admitted her to the hospital for chest pain. I was a complete mess! Having to keep it together for her when I'm devastated with my anxiety was very had! All her test came back normal and was discharged from the hospital. I'm am a true mess, I'm so worried everything just feel terrible! Don't know what to do!

Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time Jerry.

A really good question to work on (and I mean really analyse) perhaps write down a list of pros and cons about it.

In the above scenario you described and as those events were unfolding. Ask yourself;

"At each point of those events how did worry help or benefit the situation"?


"How did anxiety and worry influence or alter this situation"?

"How would the situation benefit or be influenced without worry and anxiety"?

This exercise can be done for any worrying/anxious event.

04-15-2014, 04:40 PM
Than you so much for always giving great advice. This week life is picking up again. Not feeling the best with physical symptoms, but at least mind is relaxed. Thanks again fourteen!