View Full Version : Having Driving lessons with Anxiety!!!!

04-07-2014, 06:37 PM
Hi, Hope everyone on here is well and doing fine!

I'm in a awkward situation, I'm thinking of having driving lessons, My Anxiety makes travelling by train/bus very difficult, and it sometimes makes me feel nauseous. My mother thinks I should go for it.

The thing is though my Anxiety has made me a very nervous person, I think what if my Anxiety gets the better of me when I'm driving,

What if I get a Panic attack?

I talked to my Grandfather about it, and he was honest with me, he told me that he thinks I need more sessions with the therapist before I focus on having driving lessons, he told me that I need to get better first. My mother told me that he's being too negative.

I don't know what to do myself, I'm a really nervous person and I always think I will screw things up!

I've got College coming up tomorrow, it's been making me feel even more depressed lately, I'm falling behind on my work, the tutors are pressuring me, I don't have anyone I can really get along with there. I told the teachers I have a mental health condition but they still expect me to be in College every day. The thing is I get constant Panic attacks every day while travelling there, which makes it very difficult for me to function properly on the work I've got to do.

I'm thinking of applying for an ICT Course in a College near to me, I'm not sure if I should go for it???

Sorry if I'm wasting your time, just getting annoyed at myself for being a loser.

04-07-2014, 07:13 PM
Hey Kyle

I took driving license with all this sh*t on my shoulders. Don't worry, don't let it stop you from doing what you want.

Give it a try at least.

04-08-2014, 05:49 AM

Just lately I've started to think that if I want to do something I'm not going to let how I feel on that day stop me, I've found it's a better attitude and you should definitely try a driving lesson. I was very nervous when I started mine and after I booked my first one I cried because it was a big change but when I got there, the instructor was lovely and very patient - they're used to having nervous people and that's what they're trained to cope with. You could even let your instructor know about how nervous you are prior to the driving lesson and then they'll know how to approach you.

On your first driving lesson you probably won't even drive that much, a lot of it is explaining how things work etc and it'll only be slowly on a street that isn't busy and the instructor will always have control over the car too. You should go for it, try one - tell them that you're very nervous (most people are when they first start) and see how it goes, if it goes badly then postpone lessons, at least then you can say that you gave it a go.

If you're not enjoying the college that you're at now and there's one closer which will make travelling easier for you then you should definitely look into doing that,

Good luck with everything and you're not wasting anybody's time here, we all have similar experiences!