View Full Version : I wish someone could get it :(

04-07-2014, 04:35 PM
Every time I try talking about anxiety with my mother or step father they just role their eyes and call me weak the only person that gets me is my sister. I wish they could understand that anxiety doesn't equal weakness. Anxiety has completely ruined my life and they don't even care. Sorry for the negativity I'm just sad that I ain't got nobody that understands.

04-07-2014, 04:44 PM
Sorry to here that jason. Maybe they just need to be educated if they are willing too. I am new to this forum but if I am on here ( can't seem to get off since i found this site ) I am always willing listen and help. I am a long time sufferer of it and I am fortunate enought to have a little sister who is a shrink No offense to my little sister. She understands and it looks like we have a whole forum of people who do as well.

04-07-2014, 05:53 PM
Unless you experienced it and suffer from it no one can truly understand how debilitating anxiety can be. Hopefully you can find some meds to deal with it as my life is back to normal. It took a toll in me 12 years ago, but SSRI medications solved my problem. Best if luck.