View Full Version : sick and tired :(

04-07-2014, 12:58 PM
hi guys, ive had anxiety for about 5 year now im 20, female. the doctors have yet to treat me for it, ive been to A&E numerous times, last march they took blood tests, urine and ecg, that all came back clear, wen i was 16 just before i left school they fitted a heart monitor to me for a week and the results of that were fine too.

i no that the doctors have told me there is nothing wrong so why cant i believe it? im always thinking what if theyve missed something?.

im sick of feeling the same everyday constand worry and chest pain, always thinking about my heart beat and what if theres something wrong. ive never really understood what brings my anxiety on because im not stressed or worried about anything, so im just wondering if i have health anxiety.

would appreciate any advice, suggestions or if anyone feels the same

thanks :)

04-07-2014, 02:04 PM
You are not alone with your obsession over the heart (it's extremely common).

2 things

1. Your intense focus on the heart and beat and pace is fuelling the process of thought and symptoms (they keep going around in a cycle)

2. You have been tested and told your heart is healthy, whilst this sounds like I am trying to be mean (I really am not) ask yourself this question:

"If the doctors were wrong and you had a heart attack what will worry change about that situation"?

In light of your age, the fact you have had monitors, ECG, blood tests all confirming you have a healthy heart, is the worry ruining the life you have with good health, or is it protecting you from something bad happening?

What benefit to your life is worry?

I have a thread called health anxiety exposed there is a post about the heart under the "stickies" you may find it of interest :)

04-07-2014, 02:12 PM
Go to the the thread Fourteen 14 is talking about it is a very good thread. It helped me and the video's are great.

04-07-2014, 02:26 PM
thanks so much :) going to have a read through the stickie now