View Full Version : Holding a speech

04-07-2014, 10:03 AM
Hey guys :)

Need some help here. I'm soon done with school(finally!!) and I have this assignment in one of my classes, where we're supposed to hold a speech in 10-15 mins.

Before I got my anxiety and all this started, I didn't have any problems with speaking in front of others. Of course, a little bit nervous. However, about a week ago, I was holding a speech for about 3 mins. The words wouldn't come out and I was panicking lol.

I tried to breath and somehow I made it without fainting. Now, I'm really nervous I'm going to f*ck up my next speech. I can't fail this.

How do I deal with this? Any tips on how to calm myself down? I'm thinking some russian vodka would help? lol
