View Full Version : Psychiatrists...

04-07-2014, 03:38 AM
Just wondering if anyone would recommend seeing a psychiatrist? I'm on medication for my anxiety and have seen a normal psychologist/counsellor but didn't get too much help. I'm wondering if a psychiatrist would be worth it??

04-07-2014, 04:36 AM
I just started seeing one last Thursday it kind of helped me but then again it was my first session so I'm going to see it through. I believe if one is seeing a psychiatrist then they should also see a psychologist meds alone never solve anything, unless of course your psychologist can both prescribe and give you good therapy. Hope this helped :)

04-07-2014, 04:47 AM
I have limited experience with Psychiatrists but it's my understanding that they generally have a much deeper understanding of mental illnesses such as anxiety & their causes. It wouldn't hurt to see one just to see what they say I'm sure.

I agree with the above & would add that many health professionals are a bit too quick to prescribe medication. Obviously, if you need it fine but always make it your aim to be medication free.

My anxiety / health anxiety is fairly mild on the whole but I managed to break out of quite vicious cycles with some changes to lifestyle & diet. Vitamin D supplementation seemed to make a huge difference for me. There are some quite good sticky threads with information at the top of the forum.

04-07-2014, 06:26 AM
Similar to medication. Takes time to find one compatible with you. Also you take out what you put in and a lot of people struggle to be open with a mental healthcare professional. Also CBT and techniques to overcome anxiety or manage it takes a lot of dedication and rigourous practice. It's easy to fall back into bad habits unfortunately. I know I did.
