View Full Version : Gone Green?

04-07-2014, 03:03 AM
3 days of drinking. Get to work with a hangover and go to the toilet and just before I flushed I noticed my stool was dark green. Freaked me out, went straight into panic attack mode and booked an appointment with my GP.

Panic mode engaged of scourse I go on Google and for once it's actually nothing traumatic. People say it's happened to them when drinking too. SO this should give me the reassurance I need right?

Unfortunately not, i'm convinced my liver is packing up. I mean i'm not a daily drinker, I usually try and save it for weekends and even then it's perhaps 10-15 units drunk in a day. Last night was a bit heavier and I had about 20 units and i'm not an alcoholic with any terrible withdrawal symptoms etc so obviously my liver is ok.....I just can't seem to shake this feeling.

I'm sure my GP will tell me not to worry about it. But I will of course...now i'll also be terrified to go to the toilet. Tbh I went when I first woke up and it was fine.

Sorry i'm wafffling, and not even about a nice subject.


04-07-2014, 03:51 AM
Bile he said. Nothing to worry about and even if it did happen for days all i'd need to do is starve myself for a set amount of time until the digestive system sorts itself out.

Alkso trying another anxiety medication. Feeling wired and unable to sleep was the biggest issue for me on medication. With this he says it won't cause such issues which is nice to know.

He also gave me something for spots. Still get them on my upper back and chest but now there's a mini outbreak on the arm i'm having my sleeve tattoo done on. As I got my next full day session in 9 days I want to get the spots cleared up asap. Oddly enough he recommended i use Nizoral shampoo which is for sore scalps, scaliness, redness etc but he said I can use it as a body wash and it'll kill the spots.
