View Full Version : Obsessive thoughts will they stop?

04-07-2014, 01:04 AM
I don't mean to be extreme here but my obsessive thoughts are that one day my I'm going to grow old and my life is going to end this makes me feel panic depressed and very anxious as many times people say to me think positive live ur life ect it doesn't work, I've been on sertraline for 7 days just about to take my 8th does these thoughts get better because I've been feeling rough for these 7 days thanks x

04-07-2014, 03:53 PM
Hey, I used to have the exact same thoughts a few years ago. People were also telling me to just move on, and back then I didn't know if I'll ever be able to do that,but now I know that it was all just anxiety and it ended. I know how that feels, the thoughts completely overwhelmed me to the point I couldn't enjoy anything or even think of anything else. For me they just went away on their own after 2-3 months. I think I just kinda got tired of thinking the same damn thing everyday, all day and feel down as fuck . Most people have these thoughts and they are unpleasant for them too,of course, but they do not have anxiety, so they are able to understand that it's all bullshit and go on with their life. They know that everyone who was born has to die one day too, but they do not dwell on it, just take it as it is. For people with anxiety though, it can be a very bitter pill to swallow.
I don't know if I can give you any advice, but I'll just tell you that it WILL stop. It did for me - this and a dozen of other obsessive thoughts too and trust me, I'm a nut. So if I got out of it YOU will too. I know that anything I write here will barely get to you at this point but I'll still try to just ease your mind a little bit. A few days ago I had a really bad moment filled with anxiety and OCD (this is normal, a slight relapse, but it goes as quick as it comes) I was thinking about this thought too and here's what helped me (I'm not sure I know how to word it so that I write what I really mean): I realized that I am right here, really young and with plenty of young years ahead. (I'm only 17 yet :D idk how old are you ?). I have a life, right now and i have to deal with it. It is sometimes pretty shitty and sometimes really good, that's how life is. And this life won't stop for me. The fact that one day I will die does not change shit about it. I realized that all i can do, is just live right here in the present moment. Enjoy it as much as possible. And this applies to everyone of every age. Most people have a difficulity with this though. But you need to learn that. Also, I don't mean to sound too morbid, but what if a bus hits you tomorrow and you die, you know it just might happen. I know that this thought can be a source of a huge anxiety too, but in fact there's no reason to dwell on it and be scared of it. You only need to be scared when it comes to it,which barely happens . I don't know if this has anything to do with the topic anyway, but this thought helps me a lot coping with death for some reason. The fact that anything can happen tomorrow, you know. (I told you that it would be hard to describe what I mean). So I don't know if this helped you at all in any way but I hope it did.
Anyway, I know that right now you feel really bad, but trust me it will go away. Just try to enjoy the people around you and the good things and so on. And when they tell you to think positive and live your life, just try to do so, remember - either that or you are already dead. I know it's hard right now but just try. Don't put too much pressure on it though.
Get well soon :)