View Full Version : pregnant and diazepam - your advice please!

04-29-2008, 01:43 AM
I'm in a fairly tricky situation that I am not sure how to handle so would really appreciate your advice.

I've been on a low dosage of antidepressants and diazepam when needed for the past 10 years, I am now 34. My job is high pressure and when I've had a few stressful weeks or large presentations, I've always taken a few diazepam to function, I've had quite severe anxiety attacks when I've tried to refrain. All in all it has been going well when I've been on the meds. However, as my husband and I wanted to try for a family, I came off them about 2 months ago - and fell pregnant more or less straight away.

Whilst this is good news in itself, I am not sure how to cope at work. The past month or so has been calm so I've been fine, but I now have 6 client presentations in the next month. I don't want to take diazepam as it might cause damage to the foetus. What would you do? Ask your doctor for a sick note? Ask your colleagues for help (they don't know anything, and in my job going to clients to present is a massive part of the job)?. Ask for therapy? I probably should have thought of this sooner, but I am afraid it is too late...

04-30-2008, 08:25 PM
This is definitely a topic that can only be answered properly by an MD. What I do know is that ingestion of diazepam of any benzodiazepine can negatively affect the health the child. I would talk to a shrink regarding this issue. I have found little success in drugs other than benzos in dealing with performance anxiety/panic. You may want to consider trying beta-blockers such as propranolol, which has proven to be affective and much less harmful that any benzodiazepine.

05-02-2008, 03:45 AM
You could try a good clinical hypnotherapist. Make sure you find a decent one though who knows about anxiety/CBT.

05-04-2008, 02:08 PM
Hi Gabs
I can tell you one thing for certain,DONT PUT YOUR JOB 1st!!!!
I am 50 now (male) and have been bad for 17 years and that was caused by the pressure of a job.I havent worked now for 10 years because of my problems , and besides having my kids, my life as been ruined by this illness.Put your health 1st and your unborn baby 1st and SOD!! the job,you always get by (trust me)No job is worth your health or your unborn babies health.I wish I could type faster because I could tell you so many things.
Take Care and all the best for the future.
Sorry if I sound like a agony aunt,but I'm not :oops: :oops: :D :D