View Full Version : Windows 8 challenged...help please...screwed up!

04-06-2014, 05:49 AM
Hi Guys, totally off topic but I am completely Windows 8 challenged.

somehow I managed to zoom the forums pages and can not get it back to normal.

Can anyone tell me how to do this. I have also managed to get the alternate keyboard, eg the blue numbers on the keyboard. Im such an idiot!

Help Please!

04-06-2014, 09:07 AM
Hi Pam,

I did the same thing on my new laptop last week, but on my facebook! I couldn't figure it out and I even tried googling it. I have an option on my laptop to view as desktop, so I'm using that instead of the other way. On the desktop, you have the zoom choice, and you change it just as Frankie said above.

I'm usually a computer whiz, but this Windows 8 sucks!

Hope you figure it out!!

04-06-2014, 09:34 AM
I just thought I'd take this moment to point out, it is not you who is Windows 8 challenged, but Windows 8 that is challenged ;)

Seriously, Microsoft &^%ed up on making Windows more user-friendly... I hear 8.1 solved some of the problems though. I re-installed Windows 7... wasted £80 on Windows 8 *sigh*

Press Ctri & + or - will also zoom in & out in your browser, at least in IE & Firefox.

Hope that helps.

04-06-2014, 09:38 AM

Shan is brilliant!!!! all fixed!

thank you! :)

04-06-2014, 09:53 AM
Windows 8 do not seem like a good option my daughter got the new one with W8 and she hates it, I told her that she can downgrade to W7 there is the option. I do not think they going to have such popularity as W7, I am on it from very beginning , windows 7 beginning and i love it:)) Needtogetwell maybe you should downgrade?

04-06-2014, 10:10 AM
Windows 8 do not seem like a good option my daughter got the new one with W8 and she hates it, I told her that she can downgrade to W7 there is the option. I do not think they going to have such popularity as W7, I am on it from very beginning , windows 7 beginning and i love it:)) Needtogetwell maybe you should downgrade?

Thanks Dahila,

Thinking that might be a good option for me! I'm so hating windows 8 that I rarely use my new computer!


04-06-2014, 10:41 AM
Thanks Dahila,

Thinking that might be a good option for me! I'm so hating windows 8 that I rarely use my new computer!


Before down-grading - especially if you would have to buy a new copy.... consider that 8.1 apparently has features to make it more like Windows 7. I'm not sure whether those are built-in or an option you need to select in the settings. Also you can get a Windows 7 "shell" installed that makes it look & work like Windows 7. My Dad uses a shell but you'd need to pay someone to do that I assume.

04-06-2014, 01:14 PM
Before down-grading - especially if you would have to buy a new copy.... consider that 8.1 apparently has features to make it more like Windows 7. I'm not sure whether those are built-in or an option you need to select in the settings. Also you can get a Windows 7 "shell" installed that makes it look & work like Windows 7. My Dad uses a shell but you'd need to pay someone to do that I assume.

Yeah guys told me that, there is obviously option for that. I will check if I can get book for you with W8 secrets Pam:)

04-06-2014, 02:13 PM
I just got windows 8 that pinch zoom thing drove me nuts I turned it off in the control panel much better.