View Full Version : how do I stop this dizziness and off balance feeling?

04-06-2014, 03:00 AM
I'm a 20 year old female who used to be relatively healthy before all this.
since the past month or so I've been slighly off balance and dizzy 24/7 . I have no trouble walking or running or anything neither have I staggered or anything. but the feeling doesn't go away.
I went to a couple of ENTs they didn't see anything wrong and some of them said it was probably anxiety. I had been worried about a lot of stuff couple of days before this started but its not going away. its been more than 30 days and I get worried why this isn't going away.
has anyone else experienced this? I could really use some advice

04-06-2014, 04:12 AM
I had this off balance feeling and I know it is quite scary. If ENTs have cleared you then it probably means it is not a vestibular issue. Unfortunately this appears to be one of the symptoms which is quite persistent and quite resistant to medication too. Perhaps benzodiazepines could help you with this. They greatly help me with the off balance feeling. Antidepressants are not as effective. I think this sensation is caused by tight muscles in neck or tight muscles or nerves of eyes. Try to relax eyes and the neck area and see if it helps.

04-06-2014, 08:16 AM
my ent doesn't really know what's up with me. he performed audiometry and tympanometry. the audiometry said I had negligible mild low frequency hearing loss in one ear which could be due to the fact that I used to hear real loud ear phones. this probably has nothing to do with dizziness according to my doctor
the rest was normal. so I'm back to square one.

04-06-2014, 09:57 AM
Hi Bkn,

I've been dealing with anxiety for a year now. After months of suffering and having every possible physical symptom in the book( I have health anxiety ) mainly. The diZziness and off balance feeling is something I dealt with for a long time and it is debilitating - vicious circle of anxiety and symptoms. I must say though the best method I have found to get rid of it is a combo of things 1. Chiropractor - the best decision I ever made. 6 visits and I have virtually no neck or shoulder tension which I attribute to the dizziness. 2. Exercise - cardio stretching yoga medication anything to burn off the adrenaline and get a positive mind from endorphins 3. Stop focusing on it. Let it go accept it and move forward. The less I think about my anxiety the less I know I even have it. It seems like common sense but it is extremely hard to do when physical symptoms take over and you think "oh god I'm dying what is wrong with me " . I've seen every doctor possible (General psych ENT neurologist). Tons and tons of bloodwork - hospitalized twice. I am slowly getting better and the physical symptoms have almost completely subsided. I have a script for xanax Which is a Benzo but I don't take it all the time. It does help though so maybe speak to a psych about that. It is muscle relaxant as well. Epsom salt baths work wonders, the way you sleep and posture come into play. Hope you get better soon - this is my first post on here but I had to reply to you. It sounds like you are going through what I went through for a long time. I thought I would give you some hope - it does get better and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You just have to embrace it and control it.


04-06-2014, 10:12 AM
Ent does not see anything wrong with me but I have also the hearing loss and tinnitus and vertigo for the last ten years...

04-06-2014, 10:14 AM

I have never replied to a thread on here before but your story seems like what I have been going through for almost a year now. I just wanted to share with you some helpful tips. I am slowly getting better and back to feeling like myself and I hope this helps you.
#1 Seek out a good chiropractor - not just for adjustments but for someone who specializes in muscular tension. I have seen a chiro for only 6 weeks ( i should have went months ago - stubborn me) and i have seen such amazing improvement. I have almost zero tension in my neck and shoulders which I attribute all to my dizziness and off balance feelings.
#2 Exercise - I can't stress this enough. I used to hate to exercise but now I see it as therapy. It really works. Cardio, weight lifting, yoga. I do a combo but it realizes adrenaline and boost endorphins. It has helped me tremendously.
#3 Cut out caffeine and alcohol - they trigger anxiety. and anxiety produces muscle tension.
#4 Take time out of the day to focus on good things - be grateful for your life. Allow yourself time for positive thoughts and no negativity.

I used to sit by the computer for hours - googling symptoms. I am a hypochondriac and I have health anxiety. I was in the hospital 3 times over the past 9 months and I have seen countless medical professionals (neurologist, ENT, cardiologist, psychiatrist). I have had so much blood work. I never in a million years thought that the way I felt could have been attributed to anxiety. I couldn't walk straight some times, I couldn't think, my heart was flip flopping and beating through the back of my head, my head felt like it was in a vise, tons and tons of other symptoms. And now I know - 9 months later that it was anxiety. It is a monster and it can take hold of you and drag you into misery. Be strong and take some tips from the people on this site - they are really helpful. Medication wise - I take low dose Xanax. But only when I need it - I do not abuse it and I do not take a large dose. I take it when I really need it. It does have muscle relaxant properties so it does help with it. That may be a temporary option for you.

Finally after months and months of feeling desperate and consumed by anxiety - I have a positive outlook and I feel better each day I move forward. Don't let it get the best of you. Keep your head up - it does get better and you won't feel like this forever :)


04-06-2014, 10:20 AM
I have never replied to a thread on here before but your story seems like what I have been going through for almost a year now. I just wanted to share with you some helpful tips. I am slowly getting better and back to feeling like myself and I hope this helps you.#1 Seek out a good chiropractor - not just for adjustments but for someone who specializes in muscular tension. I have seen a chiro for only 6 weeks ( i should have went months ago - stubborn me) and i have seen such amazing improvement. I have almost zero tension in my neck and shoulders which I attribute all to my dizziness and off balance feelings.#2 Exercise - I can't stress this enough. I used to hate to exercise but now I see it as therapy. It really works. Cardio, weight lifting, yoga. I do a combo but it realizes adrenaline and boost endorphins. It has helped me tremendously.#3 Cut out caffeine and alcohol - they trigger anxiety. and anxiety produces muscle tension.#4 Take time out of the day to focus on good things - be grateful for your life. Allow yourself time for positive thoughts and no negativity.I used to sit by the computer for hours - googling symptoms. I am a hypochondriac and I have health anxiety. I was in the hospital 3 times over the past 9 months and I have seen countless medical professionals (neurologist, ENT, cardiologist, psychiatrist). I have had so much blood work. I never in a million years thought that the way I felt could have been attributed to anxiety. I couldn't walk straight some times, I couldn't think, my heart was flip flopping and beating through the back of my head, my head felt like it was in a vise, tons and tons of other symptoms. And now I know - 9 months later that it was anxiety. It is a monster and it can take hold of you and drag you into misery. Be strong and take some tips from the people on this site - they are really helpful. Medication wise - I take low dose Xanax. But only when I need it - I do not abuse it and I do not take a large dose. I take it when I really need it. It does have muscle relaxant properties so it does help with it. That may be a temporary option for you.Finally after months and months of feeling desperate and consumed by anxiety - I have a positive outlook and I feel better each day I move forward. Don't let it get the best of you. Keep your head up - it does get better and you won't feel like this forever :)


04-06-2014, 10:28 AM
Chiro, exercise and positive mindset. Xanax works well too. I tried to post a long message but it won't let me. If you post your email I'll send it to you :)

04-06-2014, 10:30 AM
Might be Ménière's Disease.

Ménière's disease - NHS Choices (http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Menieres-disease/Pages/Introduction.aspx)

I never got diagnosed with this but my Doctor told me my vertigo & nausea might be caused by a recurring inner-ear infection, which I guess meant this. I tended to get 'attacks' where I would get nauseous, sweat & lose balance. They might last 5-30 minutes with some of it hanging around for a few days.

I still have mild tinnitus & my hearing isn't perfect. I still suffer from bad tinnitus whenever I get ill, my hearing goes to f*ck & at the end of it all, when my sinuses drain, it's painful & I nearly fall over because the vertigo is so bad. I mean that's just sinusitis but I guess the vertigo isn't normal.

04-06-2014, 10:38 AM
I'm a 20 year old female who used to be relatively healthy before all this.
since the past month or so I've been slighly off balance and dizzy 24/7 . I have no trouble walking or running or anything neither have I staggered or anything. but the feeling doesn't go away.
I went to a couple of ENTs they didn't see anything wrong and some of them said it was probably anxiety. I had been worried about a lot of stuff couple of days before this started but its not going away. its been more than 30 days and I get worried why this isn't going away.
has anyone else experienced this? I could really use some advice


I have never replied to a thread on here before but your story seems like what I have been going through for almost a year now. I just wanted to share with you some helpful tips. I am slowly getting better and back to feeling like myself and I hope this helps you.
#1 Seek out a good chiropractor - not just for adjustments but for someone who specializes in muscular tension. I have seen a chiro for only 6 weeks ( i should have went months ago - stubborn me) and i have seen such amazing improvement. I have almost zero tension in my neck and shoulders which I attribute all to my dizziness and off balance feelings.
#2 Exercise - I can't stress this enough. I used to hate to exercise but now I see it as therapy. It really works. Cardio, weight lifting, yoga. I do a combo but it realizes adrenaline and boost endorphins. It has helped me tremendously.
#3 Cut out caffeine and alcohol - they trigger anxiety. and anxiety produces muscle tension.
#4 Take time out of the day to focus on good things - be grateful for your life. Allow yourself time for positive thoughts and no negativity.

I used to sit by the computer for hours - googling symptoms. I am a hypochondriac and I have health anxiety. I was in the hospital 3 times over the past 9 months and I have seen countless medical professionals (neurologist, ENT, cardiologist, psychiatrist). I have had so much blood work. I never in a million years thought that the way I felt could have been attributed to anxiety. I couldn't walk straight some times, I couldn't think, my heart was flip flopping and beating through the back of my head, my head felt like it was in a vise, tons and tons of other symptoms. And now I know - 9 months later that it was anxiety. It is a monster and it can take hold of you and drag you into misery. Be strong and take some tips from the people on this site - they are really helpful. Medication wise - I take low dose Xanax. But only when I need it - I do not abuse it and I do not take a large dose. I take it when I really need it. It does have muscle relaxant properties so it does help with it. That may be a temporary option for you.

Finally after months and months of feeling desperate and consumed by anxiety - I have a positive outlook and I feel better each day I move forward. Don't let it get the best of you. Keep your head up - it does get better and you won't feel like this forever :)


04-06-2014, 11:29 AM
As already referenced, it might be tight neck muscles. I have this issue, feel light headed quite a bit lately, but I also have very tight neck and shoulder muscles. Try going for a massage and have them focus directly on your upper body. And if that doesn't work, you still got a massage out of it! Good luck.

04-06-2014, 11:57 AM

I have never replied to a thread on here before but your story seems like what I have been going through for almost a year now. I just wanted to share with you some helpful tips. I am slowly getting better and back to feeling like myself and I hope this helps you.
#1 Seek out a good chiropractor - not just for adjustments but for someone who specializes in muscular tension. I have seen a chiro for only 6 weeks ( i should have went months ago - stubborn me) and i have seen such amazing improvement. I have almost zero tension in my neck and shoulders which I attribute all to my dizziness and off balance feelings.
#2 Exercise - I can't stress this enough. I used to hate to exercise but now I see it as therapy. It really works. Cardio, weight lifting, yoga. I do a combo but it realizes adrenaline and boost endorphins. It has helped me tremendously.
#3 Cut out caffeine and alcohol - they trigger anxiety. and anxiety produces muscle tension.
#4 Take time out of the day to focus on good things - be grateful for your life. Allow yourself time for positive thoughts and no negativity.

I used to sit by the computer for hours - googling symptoms. I am a hypochondriac and I have health anxiety. I was in the hospital 3 times over the past 9 months and I have seen countless medical professionals (neurologist, ENT, cardiologist, psychiatrist). I have had so much blood work. I never in a million years thought that the way I felt could have been attributed to anxiety. I couldn't walk straight some times, I couldn't think, my heart was flip flopping and beating through the back of my head, my head felt like it was in a vise, tons and tons of other symptoms. And now I know - 9 months later that it was anxiety. It is a monster and it can take hold of you and drag you into misery. Be strong and take some tips from the people on this site - they are really helpful. Medication wise - I take low dose Xanax. But only when I need it - I do not abuse it and I do not take a large dose. I take it when I really need it. It does have muscle relaxant properties so it does help with it. That may be a temporary option for you.

Finally after months and months of feeling desperate and consumed by anxiety - I have a positive outlook and I feel better each day I move forward. Don't let it get the best of you. Keep your head up - it does get better and you won't feel like this forever :)


04-06-2014, 12:20 PM
Yeah my neck does feel kinda weird. like my mom said to me the other day why do you keep rolling your head backwards. I didn't even know I was doing it! thanks I might try to get a massage :)

04-06-2014, 12:21 PM
naah it cant be Ménière's cos I don't get attacks. just beel kinda dizzy or off balance all the time :(

04-06-2014, 12:23 PM
Ent does not see anything wrong with me but I have also the hearing loss and tinnitus and vertigo for the last ten years...

how old are you? if you're above 50 then thr hearing loss and tinnitus might be due to aging.

04-06-2014, 01:56 PM
Ill go through periods of being very off balance and just flat out dizzy. It can last as long as 3 months for me but what really helps me is to just try and not let it get to you. Keep reminding yourself everytime you get the off balance feeling "oh its just my stupid anxiety again". I know its so much harder than it sounds but once you just accept that its anxiety and stop dwelling on it, it seems to fade much quicker. The very first time i experienced it i swore to myself i had a tumor, MS, ALS, all types of things. Believing that i had something terminaly wrong with me made the dizzyness sooooo much worse. Once all of the doctors and tests and MRI's came back 100% normal, I just accepted that it was anxiety, it started to fade and eventualy went away. Its so crazy how our brain can do things like that to our bodys but for some reason it does! About every 5-6 months it hits me again. Sometimes even after very stressful or scary situations it might come back for a few days but at the end of the day just try to do something that takes your mind away from worrying about it. I know its hard but i promise you that its not permanent and it will go away! Good luck to ya!

04-07-2014, 06:13 AM

I have never replied to a thread on here before but your story seems like what I have been going through for almost a year now. I just wanted to share with you some helpful tips. I am slowly getting better and back to feeling like myself and I hope this helps you.
#1 Seek out a good chiropractor - not just for adjustments but for someone who specializes in muscular tension. I have seen a chiro for only 6 weeks ( i should have went months ago - stubborn me) and i have seen such amazing improvement. I have almost zero tension in my neck and shoulders which I attribute all to my dizziness and off balance feelings.
#2 Exercise - I can't stress this enough. I used to hate to exercise but now I see it as therapy. It really works. Cardio, weight lifting, yoga. I do a combo but it realizes adrenaline and boost endorphins. It has helped me tremendously.
#3 Cut out caffeine and alcohol - they trigger anxiety. and anxiety produces muscle tension.
#4 Take time out of the day to focus on good things - be grateful for your life. Allow yourself time for positive thoughts and no negativity.

I used to sit by the computer for hours - googling symptoms. I am a hypochondriac and I have health anxiety. I was in the hospital 3 times over the past 9 months and I have seen countless medical professionals (neurologist, ENT, cardiologist, psychiatrist). I have had so much blood work. I never in a million years thought that the way I felt could have been attributed to anxiety. I couldn't walk straight some times, I couldn't think, my heart was flip flopping and beating through the back of my head, my head felt like it was in a vise, tons and tons of other symptoms. And now I know - 9 months later that it was anxiety. It is a monster and it can take hold of you and drag you into misery. Be strong and take some tips from the people on this site - they are really helpful. Medication wise - I take low dose Xanax. But only when I need it - I do not abuse it and I do not take a large dose. I take it when I really need it. It does have muscle relaxant properties so it does help with it. That may be a temporary option for you.

Finally after months and months of feeling desperate and consumed by anxiety - I have a positive outlook and I feel better each day I move forward. Don't let it get the best of you. Keep your head up - it does get better and you won't feel like this forever :)


thanks alot!
its so reassuring to know that other people have been through and gotten over what I'm going through at the moment. I will do exactly what you are doing because I cannot stand another week of this. There are days when I almost feel normal but then there are days when I cant take it anymore. Thanks alot your words really made me feel better.
God bless. feel better soon and pray for me too!

04-07-2014, 09:21 AM
Ill go through periods of being very off balance and just flat out dizzy. It can last as long as 3 months for me but what really helps me is to just try and not let it get to you. Keep reminding yourself everytime you get the off balance feeling "oh its just my stupid anxiety again". I know its so much harder than it sounds but once you just accept that its anxiety and stop dwelling on it, it seems to fade much quicker. The very first time i experienced it i swore to myself i had a tumor, MS, ALS, all types of things. Believing that i had something terminaly wrong with me made the dizzyness sooooo much worse. Once all of the doctors and tests and MRI's came back 100% normal, I just accepted that it was anxiety, it started to fade and eventualy went away. Its so crazy how our brain can do things like that to our bodys but for some reason it does! About every 5-6 months it hits me again. Sometimes even after very stressful or scary situations it might come back for a few days but at the end of the day just try to do something that takes your mind away from worrying about it. I know its hard but i promise you that its not permanent and it will go away! Good luck to ya!
I haven't had an mri or anything because my doctor never ordered it. that bit scares me that should I really believe iys anxiety without getting an mri or anything?
actually I feel almost normal when I'm fully rested and not stressed out...I guess that's why this looks like anxiety