View Full Version : Do i have ti take these anxiety meds for the rest of my life?

04-05-2014, 02:45 PM
Want to start by saying that you guys are the most amazing people for helping me thank you so much for your help, I know I've been freaking out since all this meds and stuff started. Thank you guys so much considering you have nothing gain by helping me it shows true genuine people thank you again! I just ask one more thing of y'all am I gong to have to take these anti anxiety meds for the rest of my life? I'm already on meds for an immune disorder and I don't want to add another thing to my list. Are there any of you who were once on meds but not anymore?

04-05-2014, 03:05 PM
I have an auto immune disorder too..have to take meds for that.
I have been medicated for the past 8 yrs, but considering how my life was before that, I wouldn't change anything about the now and present day.
There are people that had been on medications, and then no longer required them but they rarely ever return to say hello here..
No, you won't have to be on them for the rest of your life, unless you find that these medications give you a better quality of life..

Have a great day bruh!

Enduronman.. :)

04-05-2014, 03:17 PM
Something about anxiety. It unites people :)

What you usually find on meds is that you make gradual improvements every few months, and those gradual improvements as they continue happening, reduce your base level of anxiety.

They retrain your brain.

Once your brain has been retrained, you don't really need the meds anymore.

The meds are like stabilizers. Once you can ride again, they aren't needed.

I had an horrific nervous breakdown in early 2010. I mean, I fell apart at the seams. Bedridden for months. Couldn't even stand up. Cried to my mum not to leave the house as though I was 2. Had to have meals cooked for me, had to have a baby intercom fitted in my room as I was so scared of dying in my sleep or something.

I was med free by early 2012.

Very few people stay on them longer than a few years, although some need to. It's a big deal at first, taking a brain altering drug. Really makes you feel funny taking such a thing. After a few months, you take it like candy. Pop your pill in the morning, then get on with life and don't think about it.

That frustration often turns to gratitude when you realize what a massive impact they're having on your life.

Then usually one day you realize you feel fine, and think, I don't think I need this pill anymore, and just like that you withdraw and you stop.

And your retrained brain, and soothed nervous system carry you the rest of the way.

That's why it's important to add other things to your drug to help your recovery. Things like good diet, daily relaxation, and CBT. Just helps the process along and usually allows it to be more permanent.

I think the most recent one to withdraw her meds on here is Em1. And I'm sure she won't take offence to this, but it wasn't too long ago I remember she was in quite a state.

04-05-2014, 06:43 PM
A superb reply from jessed03. Couldn't have said it better myself.

I will add, however, that all of these things vary immensely depending on the individual. The funny thing about anxiety is that, really, nobody's quite the same. It's not like having the common cold or having diabetes or something, where the treatment is standard and empirical. You will be walking your own personal road--but you won't be walking alone.

Glad you are finding the forum useful. :-)