View Full Version : Is klonopin dangerous?

04-04-2014, 10:34 PM
So I've made the mistake of searching klonopin a lot of people said that it's a life threatening drug. I'm terrified now my anxiety is spiking I even had an attack. What do I do today was my first does now I'm scared of having a seizure or something, I'm taking 0. 5 MG of klonopin and I've been prescribe twice a day dose for 2 months. People said that it can cause brain damage. I'm panicking right now what do I do?

04-05-2014, 02:49 AM
0.5mg of Klonopin is safer than safe.

Not really much else to say.

Try not to work yourself up over nothing.

04-05-2014, 02:50 AM
Noticed you already had this answered.

Bad nights sleep lol

04-05-2014, 03:30 AM
Trust me I can still use your help LOL, it's like new fears every time I do something it really takes it out of a person, you know

04-05-2014, 04:05 AM
Don't worry about the klonapin. Take it as prescribed. You are responsible and conscientious. Maybe just try half a tablet and see if that helps take the edge off.

It is a good med and very safe.

04-05-2014, 06:37 AM
Trust me I can still use your help LOL, it's like new fears every time I do something it really takes it out of a person, you know

Ah I hear ya man.

One of my worst panic ever attacks came when taking Celexa. I took the pill, THEN read the side effects leaflet. Fatal serotonin syndrome, seizures, liver failure etc.

I was pacing around at midnight in my garden thinking 'Oh my god, oh my god. Get this out me. Get this out of me. What's happening to me'. Lasted all weekend.

Of course none of that scary stuff happened. Terrifying at the time, but I suppose you've got to laugh a little, looking back on how crazy anxiety can make you.

Stay strong!

04-05-2014, 07:25 AM
Used responsibly and as directed, it won't cause brain damage. I've been on your dose (.5 x 2) daily for 19 years and my brain functions just fine. Heck, I got my PhD on it.

04-05-2014, 07:26 AM
I am on 0.5 klonopin and believe me man I was on every available benzo in my long fight with anxiety. I like klonopin the most. I do not have to up the dose and it is long lasting benzo, and that dose is very low. I wonder why all this horrors others write do not go through some moderating (I mean google) it scares people and demonize the benzos. They are just meds like the beta blockers or others necessary drugs. The pain killers are the most dangerous and no one talks about them ,
Please do not read morons who post the reviews of medication. The side effects are requirement for every drug. It does not happen usually does not. I had side effects with celexa and antibiotic forgot the name. I had probably absorb a huge trailer of medication, being on it my whole life, long life:) you will safe with klonopin. People here know better , so rather read the forum not google it:))

04-05-2014, 08:01 AM
Do we have two the same threads?

04-05-2014, 11:09 AM
They gave me trazodone yesterday so i can sleep. I googled it and read different reviews & i was still skeptical. Its just our disorder messing with us. My dr reassured and reassured me everything is and will be ok. I came across many reviews that also mentioned klonopin and took it in conjunction with what im taking. Just take it as prescribed, breathe and let ur body and mind heal. You will get better and u do have the support of everyone here brother

04-05-2014, 11:49 AM
She told me to take 1 pill of Wellbutrin and klonopin then by week 2 to up my dose to 2 pills each. Is that how it's usually done? Also if I'm taking .5 mg for a month how will I get winged off?