View Full Version : Update on where I have been!

04-04-2014, 09:41 PM
Hey guys! sorry if I'm not really on here much, I have been spending more time at the POTS
(postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)pages. I am doing pretty good. I still am around the house in the wheelchair, but I can stand up for brief periods of time. Anxiety is still there but short lived. Once I can see its anxiety I can stop it in its tracks. I don't know how I do that or I'd share..but I am just able to do it. It is hard having your whole entire life change so quickly. The food you eat, what you can do, being able to work, not being about to leave the house without a wheelchair, the food allergies, it is crazy. I believe it will balance out one day! It has to. I miss you all. You all were so important in my recovery from the anxiety before I found out what was really going on. miss you all! I'll still be here. just not as active!:) is still read everything. just don't always have the chance to reply.

04-05-2014, 07:36 AM
There you are ! :)

You're doing what you've gotta do, we get that. I'm glad you still come and check in. Hate when people forget about coming back. You spend so much time getting to know people, and their stories, you have an investment in the outcome.

What's POTS forum like? Useful? Learnt much that can help?

We should organize a group trip there. I'll round up some of the guys and we'll have a day trip to the POTS forum.

I can't imagine you in a wheelchair. That sucks. How long do they think you'll need to make use of one? Or is it it totally up in the air.

Take care Laina! Stay thirsty my friend.

04-05-2014, 07:51 AM
Miss you friend!!
I can empathize with disability dear...
It will get better someday and you will find a way to make that happen..

Enduronman.. :)

04-05-2014, 07:57 AM
AB we are with you. Please, fight it whatever it is for a normal life. You are extremely strong person ;))

04-05-2014, 09:03 AM
Hi ya abs your such a strong inspirational person,that's amazing to hear about your anxitey :)
Take each day at a time,your right it will balance itself out it just takes time,wishing you well Hun take care and don't be a stranger :)

04-05-2014, 09:52 AM
I could never leave you all!:) not yet anyway. Thanks guys. Its all up in the air of course...not sure when I will get better... but i will!! Wheelchair sucks. But beats fast heart rates and dizzy spells. But im doin good considering. :)how are all of you??

04-05-2014, 09:57 AM
Hey, sweet girl. I just want you to know I've been thinking about you a lot, wondering how you're doing, about your anxiety, and how you're dealing with it. You have Always been so sweet and supportive to me. When I needed it the most. I don't forget the people that I believe truly care!! And I don't want you to forget, that I TRULY CARE about you, and what you're dealing with. As I told you in a recent past post... please don't push yourself too much. Be as patient as you can be, like that's easy... NOT. lol., with your body, and anxiety. You know I'm always here. To PQ, if you need... Whatever!! You told me once, you would keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Well, I will definitely keep you in mine too. I have faith in you girl. You're stronger than you think.. A lot like myself. Sometimes, we just have to prove to ourselves that we Can get through it. I can't possibly put myself in your shoes. You're so precious, if I could lift this from you, I would. But I know you are strong. Even though being strong isn't the easiest thing to be. Been there... Done that!! Wait... still doing it... big time! lol. You take care, and know I'm here for you, anytime. And I mean it. Not just saying it!! But you know that. :) D. G.

04-05-2014, 11:10 AM
Thank you dorrie, you have a way with your words! You are right... i do care:) sometimes that hurts me more than it helps me...but id rather be that way...than any other way. I really appeeciate the support and kind words...it means a lot. :) *just keep swimming* thats my new motto.