View Full Version : I dont know what to do with myself!?! With my chest pains!!!!?

04-04-2014, 08:54 PM
I am just so done with my life. I can't put up with this anymore. I've been having chest pains for 2 years. I've gone to the hospital like 7 times for emergency because I thought I was having a heart attack but every time I go they find my heart fine. I look stupid telling them about my pains because at the end it turns out its all in my mind because there's no evidence to prove that something is physically wrong with me. I've been getting pain on my upper back, palpitations constantly(sometimes they are really deep and slightly hurt), I get an achy feeling on the left side of chest and then sometimes it transfers to the right side. I noticed yesterday the left side of my chest above my breast was twitching(which I thought was a good sign because if it twitches then that means that the pain has something to deal with the muscles not the heart) but then I get this pain in the center of the chest slightly to the left like under my breast and this scares me because that might be about my heart!! I fear that I will get a sudden pain which will cause sudden death and I don't want to die!! Typing this makes me cry because this is soo stressful to not know what's wrong with me. Doctors have done x-rays, blood tests, ekg and can't find anything and say its stress/anxiety but I feel like there's something more to my chest pains than just that. Sometimes when I'm in a certain position, like laying down on my stomach on my bed and suddenly move, I get this pain in my chest(like under my chest on the left side) when I take a breath and cant breath for like 2 seconds because of this weird pain and then it goes away but it scares me. Can anyone relate to me!? This is driving me insane!! My life is just pure shit and just couldn't get any more shittier. I just need someone who understands and doesn't think I'm bullshitting. I really appreciate anyone who can relate to me or who has had the same symptoms as me and knows what this is. Could this really be stress/anxiety?

04-04-2014, 09:36 PM
It is very possible that this has to due with stress, but. I would have them put you on a 30 day holter monitor. that would catch anything going on. I believe strongly that you will be okay. but if you are really concerned with it I would tell them that it doesn't happen all the time and that is why when you go in they aren't catching anything. I wouldn't worry too much. How old are you? Do you have any other risk factors? It is important to rule everything out. but once that has been done... you need to believe it. have you ever tried Ativan or Xanax? if you can get some. it would be worth trying to see if you can take it when it happens and see if it goes away. sometimes that helps me tell the difference between anxiety, and anything else that might be going on... chest pain can happen for a lot of reasons, I get it a lot for GERD. and its pretty bad. I also get the palpitations from the GERD. it pushes on your vagus nerve..and causes things to go haywire. Shallow breathing will also cause palps. so if you are sitting here breathing really shallow listening to your heart...you will have palps. once I stopped doing that mine stopped. I'm sure everything is okay.

04-05-2014, 04:46 AM
You've had a heart attack that has lasted for 2 years? :D

Nah. Don't worry, the fact that you've had this for 2 years and that you've been to your doc 7 times and done all kinds of tests, pretty much says that it's all stress and anxiety. Use this as an argument against all of your irrational fears.

It could be acid reflux?

Heart palpitations used to scare the sh*t out of me. But once I realised they were normal, I stopped fearing them and they stopped.

Learn to breath right. Meditation will also help.

If it would be something wrong with your heart, you would know it by now. It's nothing wrong with you, don't let this control your life. Learn to say "f*ck it".


04-05-2014, 05:06 AM
I used to have a lot of the same problems. Sometimes they sneak up again now too. For months I was convinced something was happening. My heart was super fast at weird times, I had chest pain, left arm and jaw pain, palpitations, and weak feelings. I had EKGs, holster monitors, event monitors, stress test, ultrasounds, blood work, X-rays...you name it and I probably did it. All normal. And then I still was convinced they were wrong and saw a 2nd cardiologist for a new opinion. He said the same and I cried.

Now I take Lexapro and finally go most days without worrying about it. I still have random symptoms and I have to keep reminding myself that I'm fine and it's just my anxiety being a jerk again.

I highly recommend a stress test if you haven't done one. It really helped me feel reassured since it monitors your likeliness to have a heart attack. And then really try to listen to your doctor. Remember, your goal is to have them NOT find anything. The last thing you want is a heart problem. As much as you probably just want answers now, try to remember that anxiety IS an answer. And hopefully that's all it is, because it's much better for you than the opposite. Medication and therapy are great tools to help. Hope you feel better!!!