View Full Version : Marijuana to help panic/anxiety?

04-28-2008, 12:23 AM
I've been trying to figure this one out for a while... does marijuana actually help someone calm down from anxiety or does it increase anxiety. I've been getting a lot of mixed reviews about this question. I'm not talking about smoking 3 joints in a row, i'm just talking about a couple puffs for medicinal purposes. Anyone think this would work? I never asked my doctor about it yet though.

04-28-2008, 03:52 AM
I wish I could smoke it. I don't get easy access to it nowadays :D . All I can say is that the best & only time to smoke some is before you go to bed. Marujuana increases the senses, & if you play relaxing music & watch fascinating images on the internet such as Norwegian fjords or forests when you're a bit stoned then those images are going to sink into your mind better. The reason before sleep is because anxiety doesn't go away when you're asleep. If you go to sleep with these images & music going through your mind, then you're going to have pleasant dreams & wake up feeling more relaxed and better.

But be disciplined, marujuana can also heighten feelings of paranoia & terror, so don't just get a bit stoned & sit there dwelling on the bad things in life.

04-28-2008, 04:43 AM
The problem with marijuana is it is a rather unpredictable drug. A good part of this is due to the fact that it is not actually one drug, but rather a mixture of several drugs whose proportions can vary widely from one sample to another. Or even different parts of the same plant. Add to that individual differences between users and different methods of use (ie smoking vs oral ingestion), and you never know exactly what is going to happen. Granted, almost nobody ever has the kinds of terrifying experiences from marijuana that are common with drugs like LSD. But when you have an anxiety disorder, even a mildly bad experience can be REALLY bad. This is why marijuana use is not recommended for anxiety sufferers. The bottom line: if you decide to 'puff', do so at your own risk.

04-28-2008, 11:57 AM
The problem with marijuana is it is a rather unpredictable drug. A good part of this is due to the fact that it is not actually one drug, but rather a mixture of several drugs whose proportions can vary widely from one sample to another.

it's not a drug, it's a plant - all natural 8)

04-28-2008, 04:30 PM
it's not a drug, it's a plant - all natural 8)

Sorry to rain on your parade. But being all natural does NOT make it something other than a drug. After all, ALOT of drugs come from plants (ie cocaine, morphine, mescaline, etc). Remember that a drug is a chemical substance that alters the structure and/or function of the body (which marijuana IS and DOES). And whether marijuana actives like THC, CBD, etc are natural OR come from actual marijuana, they are still chemicals. Just because something this natural, this does not mean that it is safe, harmless, not a drug, not a chemical, etc. Now don't get me wrong. I am not one of those sorts who thinks that ANYONE who smokes weed should be locked up for life. I am all for legalization. If you want to use marijuana, then be my guest. I just think that you need to be aware that the use of ANY drug has its risks, even if those risks are perhaps not nearly what the anti-drug crowd makes them out to be. They are till there nevertheless.